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just tripped myself out

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by puertoricosuave, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. What if we all see the colors different. So what I see as blue may be red to you but we both learned it as blue so we both call of blue.
  2. I always thought that we saw things differently anyway. Like cars may look like whales to people, but they still function the same way.
  3. Thats fucked up... if i said "yo look at that red fire truck" and you said "no man its blue" i would probably just walk away and never talk to you again

  4. Well, in OP's situation, the person would say, "Yeah, that fire truck is red," because their blue is your red, but they call their blue red anyway.
  5. i think i've thought the same thing. if ya mean the way i see green is the way you see red then yeah. and there is literally no fucking way ever that we will ever know if that's true or not. Crazy shit huh?
  6. these people are also known as fruitty loops
  7. [quote name='"Thomascolin"']Thats fucked up... if i said "yo look at that red fire truck" and you said "no man its blue" i would probably just walk away and never talk to you again[/quote]

    It'd be more like you'd see red as red and i'd know blue as red and we'd never know if were seeing the same color Because we both learned that color is red
  8. I also thought that maybe this was the reasoning for people having different interests in things. Like how people prefer different colors, or music, or cars, or clothes: because they perceive it differently than other people. But there probably isn't an infinite amount of differences of perception. Maybe 20?
  9. I've had the EXACT thought as long as I can remember OP.

    It's like, maybe what I think is green, you think is yellow, and the reason people agree on certain things being ugly is because they've grown up to think so.
  10. I also thought of this... What if you saw a new primary color. You would have no reference point to compare it to. You could never describe it to someone else. Also you cannot picture a color you haven't seen... Go ahead and try, its crazy man.
  11. I thought of this as well, and same thing with the whale car thing. It's like THE MATRIX @__@
  12. [quote name='"fairy boots"']I thought of this as well, and same thing with the whale car thing. It's like THE MATRIX @__@[/quote]

    It's freaky shit bro.
  13. I've thought o this and fucked my mind
  14. You are taught your colors through many different sources.... Teachers, Parents, Siblings, Peers, etc.

    They would all have to be seeing the same things and relaying it to you............. or........ fuck, i can't explain it, but it's not possible...

    Can anyone else explain this better.... (not that it could be explained much worse lol)
  15. [quote name='"LongBottomLeaf"']You are taught your colors through many different sources.... Teachers, Parents, Siblings, Peers, etc.

    They would all have to be seeing the same things and relaying it to you............. or........ fuck, i can't explain it, but it's not possible...

    Can anyone else explain this better.... (not that it could be explained much worse lol)[/quote]

    No cuz they all learned it as that color. They don't need to see it the same they just know all the colors they see as blue or red or whatever
  16. Severley doubtful, eh?
  17. Damn, now I kinda wanna get really really stoned and see if I can imagine a new color. If I don't succeed, at least I'll be baked out of my mind. :smoke:
  18. I have had this idea for sooooo long. What i thought was that everyone sees colors differently ( i guess you can say their eyes cause different people to see colors as completely different things) so when your a child and you'r parent points at a color and tells you its red. You associate a name with the color you see, when in the parent's eyes, they're seeing a different color but have grown up associating it with a certain name. Since its pretty much impossible to describe a color, this could be true.

    I also thought that everyones favorite color could be the same color. but since we could have different names for colors and see them differently everyone replies differently
  19. This is possible, but it does not happen. Our brains are wired similarly and our eyes interpret certain wavelengths as colors. Everyone knows white reflects all colors and it must be seen by everyone as....yes VCU won.

    I give up.
  20. [quote name='"Slammo"']Damn, now I kinda wanna get really really stoned and see if I can imagine a new color. If I don't succeed, at least I'll be baked out of my mind. :smoke:[/quote]

    Tell me if you have any luck... I have tried many times whilst super baked and have yet to succeed

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