Just smoked some Jamaican Hash

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tat2d1_76, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. I just got back from picking up some friends from the airport. We get into the van and my buddy busts out some of the finest Jamaican hash along with some herb he scored from Ganja Mountain. My god, I am f'n ripped!! Get this: He only paid 10 bucks for a 3 gram chunk of hash and 20 bucks for a bud that was 10-12 inches long (i saw the pictures).

    I think I need to move to Jamaica!!
  2. I cruise to Jamaica every summer and the past 3 times I've gotten too high while on the island and the boat left without me so I had to fly home
  3. lol thats crazy. that would prob happen to me too lol

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