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Just smoked in my room for the first time..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ragekai, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Aye. May make one of those... can I make a super a napkin roll instead.. (longer) and like..80 dryer sheets? Super Sploof? :D
  2. I feel like it depends a lot on how often you smoke. If you smoke once the smell should be gone it at least an hour. Blunts smell for longer because of the tobacco. If you smoke all the time in your room though it will start to develop a permanent scent.

    If you want to smoke in your room often and not have it smell then do it by/out the window, use a spoof, have some fabreeze ready for when you are done, and stick a towel under your door... that is important because usually people get caught by the smell of actually smoking, not any lingering smell. It spreads really easily to parents' bedrooms and down dorm halls so the towel helps to contain it. The best apparatus would be a bong... much stonage plus ease in containing the smoke. Pack small (or big!) bowls and clear them all in one hit... pull it through and everything. Then all the smoke is either in the chamber or in your lungs and can be blown out a window and/or through a spoof.
  3. TBH, you'd be better off using a toilet paper roll, and changing the sheets every couple of bowls. I like to think the smells gone within 20 or 30 mins when I use a sploof and burn a candle while doing so, and burning a cig or two.
  4. Well, you could, but I wouldn't. I tried that once with like a 1 1/2 foot roll, and a shit ton of dryer sheets, but it was too hard to blow all the smoke through. and it wound up just coming out of the end I blew it in.

    If you want to make a super sploof, I would suggest taking the 20 oz Gatorade bottle, or a water/soda bottle and burning/poking about 4 holes in the bottom, now stuff the inside with mostly dryer sheets AND a couple paper towels.

    Happy Toking.:smoke:
  5. Get a window open and fan going. I smoked three bong bowls and 30 minutes later my ma walked in my room and I was straight.
  6. best way (in my opinion) is to smoke with a window open so u can blow the smoke out but if u dont at least fan out ur room then burn some incense thatll cover up just about any stench

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