Just got in trouble for the stupidest thing ever I was a couple of blocks away from school chillin with my buddy about to roll up a cigarette (yes tobacco, not weed cause I smoked it 15 mins ago ) so one of the douchebags in the neigborhood calls my school? and im just chillin there and I see the prinicipal and dean of students walk by but they don't say anything and eventually walk back. So me and my budyd get back to school and see the principal and dean and call us in cause they said the neighbor saw us smokin pot so I'm like we weren't we were smokin tobacco and show them. They search me, take my tobacco light paper and then go search my locker and in my book bag they find an empty baggie with like 1 tinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny asssssss nug of bud and give me out of school suspension and call up my parents. And Now I'm fucked.
sounds like you need to be 18+ ........... if you are tho sounds lame as fuck honestly just dont take things like that to school youll be better off live n learn man
ah yes, high school. it won't really change man, always need to be aware of your surroundings and superiors. with that being said, fuck the person that called.
[quote name='"Slilent"']sounds like you need to be 18+ ........... if you are tho sounds lame as fuck honestly just dont take things like that to school youll be better off live n learn man[/quote] You can be 18 and a senior in high school Dont know why that has too be constantly repeated
How about you make sure you're not carrying anything incriminating in your backpack. It's your fault for being sloppy; otherwise they wouldn't have found a thing.
[quote name='"TheQueen"']How about you make sure you're not carrying anything incriminating in your backpack. It's your fault for being sloppy; otherwise they wouldn't have found a thing.[/quote] Agree completely c'mon with so much goin on in schools now a days you know you gotta be clean ..... May the force be with u, lesson learned
Unlucky bro :/ Never been caught myself, dealt a couple times in school but I did that outside of the gates, so if the guy I dealt to gets caught, that's his problem. Just gotta trust them to not rat me out