and fellow grower was caught by the police either this or yesterday morning. he had 56 grams and is a medical patient with multiple others who are not med patients. hes pretty much fucked. i do know he was already kicked out of school for this but i have yet to see what happens from a legal standpoint.
he had non med patients with him, and they were smoking, there are still a few details i dont know as well, there could have been multiple containers and pieces of paraphernalia
Shit well he can claim all the weed as personal medication, it is only like 2.5 ounces, as long as there wasn't any scales/baggies and for the other people, idk they really shouldn't get into that much trouble. What part of cali you live in tho, some counties are pretty hardcore about that stuff?
it was up by cal lutheran, not sure which county but yea thats what i think may have happened. i gotta find out some more details
All you can do now is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. A question I'd like to know this answer to is will his mmj card be revoked? Being as he's actually a patient, does he just get fines/jailtime out the asshole?
well when everything passes, he can still apply for jobs at dispensaries right? what are they gonna do... say: "sorry, we wont hire you because you grow and smoke"?