Just Dropped Some New Edibles I Made.

Discussion in 'General' started by tpelling, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. So I prepped for tonight by guzzling down a nice large double cheeseburger meal.
    45 mins later which is right now as I'm typing this I'm eating my edibles.
    I put 7.5g+ of ABV into a Betty Crocker Cookie mix that makes 8. The cookies came out a nice dark wooden brown colour, (the colour of the erbs) and I got a perfect 8 cookied meaning 0.8g per cookie. So I'm going to eat two now and wait a while.
    I literally dumped all my abv in the mixing bowl and cooked it! :D
    Will let you know how it goes

  2. Def keep us posted should be fun
  3. I thought your post was gonna be about how you dropped a brownie or something and didn't know if you should still eat it or not...
    but def update on how the edibles are

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