I'm talking sniper rifle bullets guys. Haha anyway, I was in my room just finished rollin up a joint of some pretty beasty bud I picked up. So I finish rolling it, and I put it in my ear so I don't forget it. Nobody was home at the time and I had to take care of some shit before I got blazed and ended up not doing it. Fast forward 20 minutes. So I finish up the chores, and I'm ready to blaze. So I go outside on my porch, mind you nobody is supposed to be home for hours. Just as I'm about to spark it, my mother walks in the house and right away my heart sinks to my stomach. She is very anti-marijuana, so if she knew I was smoking around her house she would FLIP and take my shit and probably cut me off. Anyways, she walks in and right away sees the joint in my hand, and says something like "Is that a joint? are you smoking weed!?" I just told her "nah, I roll tabacco mother cool your jets." She was just like "okay." and walked away. I know not the end of the world, but I was really scared. So I take a walk down to the beach and light up and now everythings all good.
Now, you SHOULD let her see you smoking a hand rolled cigarette so the next time she does not inspect the damn thing!! Go buy a pack of tobbacco and now, you can leave your rolling papers out because she knows you roll your own cigarettes.. Peace...FG
hahaha damn if I was a parent I would never fall for that shit. id go over and smell it..then id smoke it infront of my kid and say "thanks"
I did somthing of this sort a few summers ago, me and one of my buds were smoking in a rent house, nd i look up and there is a smoke alarm over my head, so i look to him, say "Dam dude we should step out side" And since we were traveling we didn't have a real good piece (Turned to our favor) so we step out side and pass it three times and then my mom throws open the sliding glass door to the patio, i cupped the lighter in my fist and tilted the can down, (Didnt want to get caught burning it) my bud steps behind me and lightly puts his foot over it so my mom couldnt see it, then she asked what we were burning, and i almost craped a brick, the best i could come up with was "i was burning this pop can" she thought it was a good answer and went to the hottub (Which was the reason she came out there in the first place), so, in the end we call our losses, hide the bud and go back inside
mt parents are much more upset seeing me with a cigarette than with weed then again, cigarettes cause cancer
If i found my kid about to smoke I would pretend to b extremely pissed off to scare him and then I would just start smoking with him rofl.
Ive done the same with my parents, about the rolling tobacco. I still think its dumb how its fine for me to smoke tobacco but not weed...
haha would be like "son/daughter, your in some deep shit." *see their reaction* "now, pass me that joint"
whenever im about to smoke all of my senses become hightened.. its like im spider man or something. i can hear better, see farther, and smell better. its fuckin wierd.. my hearing becomes so sensitive. know your house man, know how to tell when somebody is coming in the door, it can save your ass one day... no lie.
LMAO, same. I'd act all pissed off and start yelling. "IS THAT A JOINT? YOUR DOING DOPE IN MY HOUSE!!!" then I'd take it. and smoke it, and laugh.