Just a bit of beginners advice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Jdogthebig, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Are these ready to be transplanted to thier final spot?

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  2. Yep the sooner you get them in there the better. If you haven't topped them today would be a good day to do that too. It will make the branches grow wider and they will ultimately yield more.
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  3. I wouldnt neccesarily say sooner the better. You wanna establish a good root system before transplanting to a final pot. But yes, try and make it quick. And for sure agree 100% they need to be topped.
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  4. The sooner the better.
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  5. Just be careful with the root ball when you transplant them.
  6. Try to transplant them on a cloudy day, or early evening, so it has nighttime to kinda-sorta get situated and less chance of stress when the sun comes back up, especially if you have any issues transplanting them (dirt falling off, minor root damage, etc.). Then give it a good watering. It all is well, you won't notice a thing the next day, except maybe a happier plant.
  7. Whatever is less stressful for the plant. I would prefer to transplant first. Wait a day..then top them. Vs toping and transplanting--while it prob. be ok, that's a a lot for a plant to go through in short period of time. Or, top them now, wait a day then transplant cloudy day/early evening. Everyone will have their own opinion(s) on that. But the main jist is whatever is least stressful.
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  8. Right after transplant i give them a good watering and wait until the pot dries and they need the second watering before i top them. This allows the roots to get used to the bigger pot and establish a better root system before i top them.
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  9. I ended up topping them earlier and am going to.transplant them later tomorrow, and do you guys think my plants are gonna flower soon? Just new to this so i dont know haha

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  10. I would guess that you are ok. They look to see be in veg from the pic? Nice thick straw stems. That;s good. Suck up nutrients/water really well I would imaging. OK you topped them. Do the transplant either in the morning (before sun comes out) , or that evening as the sun sets/just sets. Will give them a chance to situate themselves.
  11. Alright thank you for the advice!

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  12. Yes they are in veg state lol

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  13. “A bit”.
    Don’t plant in WET soil; it will compact.
    Moist soil is FINE.
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  14. Love the outdoor look, I’m jealous.

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  15. Nice plants. What strain are we looking at here? Beautiful color

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  16. The soil im moving them into is dry, im talking about how it rained on my plants themselves, so will it be ok to transfer them with the soil being rained on

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  17. They are northern lights lol

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