Juicy Jay

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by lakai420, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. Sorry if this has already been posted ,but (i don't live in the US) but the new tobacco law might ban juicy jay flavoured rolling paper , hit up www.[B]rollingsupreme[/B].com/ for more info just thought i'd put it out there.
  2. #2 SkinnyBryan, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2009
    Oh well i got my zig zag whiteboys and wraps.
  3. Juicy Jays are awful anyway, they burn really fast.
  4. just thought i'd put it out there.but i have to agree on the burning fast side.
  5. they burn fast but i love juicy jays so thatd suck if they got banned i actually have grape right now:)
    but honestly i have never had zig zags or whatever are they really better? i thought papers were papers
  6. They are banned in AZ starting last monday :( and blunt wraps have to be called cigar paper, and shisha, its a pretty sad time right now.
  7. i'm sorry but im so glad i live in a country where it isnt happening, but im willing to bet all out riots would start if swisher style cigars were banned
  8. Zig Zags are definately the standard for rolling papers. I don't like any flavoured papers except Dragonflys, I find all the others are too thick and burn too fast and unevenly.
  9. They are banned in Cali too my local shop already took them off the shelves. But the other cheaper cigarette shops still carry them, along with djarums and other recently banned products :smoking:
  10. shit that sucks :( i havent gone to the shop in a couple weeks.

    thats bullshit of AZ to do that. damn conservatives.
  11. Its obama . banned in the us of a

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