Journal Saftey

Discussion in 'Security' started by Throatcream, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. If i were to start a Journal would it be safe posting it from that same ip? i was thinking that i might be better off updating everything for it while im at my parents or something.:confused:
  2. yea... get mom busted for weed.... just kidding. lots of threads on security of grass city. from what i gathered, its pretty safe. just don't put anything in a pic that could tie somebody to you... i am about to start one.
  3. How does one change an IP Address anyways, or set up a proxy server
  4. I haven't been able to set it up yet on linux, but if your using windows check out Tor for a proxy
  5. As in Torrent? And isn't that illegal?
  6. Proxys are easy to come by guys, you could use hidemyass (just google it) and that would work.
  7. Do they throw up red flags? Are they illegal?
  8. Very legal, very nonsuspicious, very hard to trace if possible at all.
  9. I would say if your reasonably cautious and your not growing a shit ton of plants there shouldn't be any problems. Think of it like this the day the govt. starts paying to track down people on here with personal grows is the day sites like these will start ceasing to exist.That being said still be sure to use a little common sense and some anonymity.

  10. Exactly, think my name is really Jimmy Jackson? May or may not be but no one will ever know.:cool:
  11. So if people came here and told you it would be dangerous to post from where you grow, you would post from your parents house and possibly get them raided? You would put your parents thru that? Doesnt matter if they got nothing there, just the fact that they would be raided and their house torn up. (all hypothetical of course, but still)

    What is WRONG with kids today? Damn.

  12. Maybe his parents are OG, we don't know his life.
  13. lol. Doesn't matter even a little bit. He asked if something was dangerous, and if so, he would take it to his parents house. Don't care what his parents are, thats total disrespect to those who raised him and sheltered him and gave him all of the chances he now has in life.

  14. I mean a proxy system called Tor, i'm not sure this sites policy on outside links so I'll just say google it.
  15. this site is hosted outside the united states, it is perfectly safe for us. The government would have to go to the country this site is hosted in and get a warrent to use anything on this site against us, which would cost more and take more time than the government would want to deal with.
  16. my internet provider give me a proxy server or a ramdom ip each time i log on for 10 more a month
  17. If you live in the states then no need to worry, this site is based in the Netherlands, US agencies don't have jurisdiction to use anything on this site against you
  18. So not till they bust you and open up yuor computer will they get you

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