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Joints vs blunts preference

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by just one toke, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. I started out smoking joints and could roll a j way better than a blunt so I've always been smokin j's. then a few weeks ago my friend rolled the best blunt I've ever smoked. It was absolute perfection. I personally think joints are the best for solo/ 2 person smaller sessions and blunts are better for multi person sessions that are at least 1 gram or 1.5 grams+

    I was just wondering your guys preferences. I know some like joints cause fuck tobacco but I can never feel or taste the tobacco from a blunt and some only like blunts and I was just curious who likes what and why.

    Also I've heard blunts waste more than j's but I think they're about equal. So what do you prefer?
  2. blunts are my fav but a joint that's rolled right is really nice every once in a while
  3. yea it depends on the situation really, theyre both great in their own right 
  4. This sounds ignorant but could someone explain what the difference between a joint and blunt .I Vape or roll a rollup just like i would roll a ciggarette,I think what i would call a joint (Trumpet shaped, three skins) can be a bit indiscreet,and am curious to know what a blunt is
  5. Blunt is tobacco paper
    J's are paper (sometimes hemp paper)
  6. I prefer joints over blunts any day, but if you're having a little sesh then i guess its best to go with blunts 
  7. Blunts are cigars/cigarillos/"tobacco paper", joints are usually rice or sometimes hemp papers.

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  8. joints.  smoke more weed, not more paper.
  9. Joints for me but all my niggas smoke blunts so it is what it is
  10. Joints have a slight edge for me. They'd be even, but blunts have tobacco laced papers. So I like joints because then you get a cleaner taste.
  11. joints are nice because they're just the classic way to light up / sign of pot smoking. Js Taste cleaner, but blunts fit more and hit less harsh
  12. I prefer Joints.
  13. #13 Exhazer, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    All depends on how much i want to smoke. But i would only prefer clear wraps over tobacco though. Got to stay Green with the Green ya know :). I like joints more though. Been rolling them a lot now since i bought them Phunky feel tips by B-Real....makes smoking a joint a lot more enjoyable and less of a hassle towards the end. 
  14. I'd pick a joint over a blunt any day because as you've already stated "fuck tobacco".
  15. Jimmy over the Blizzy any day of the week
  16. Killin game. BACKWOODS.
  17. Js for a short ride or smoking solo anytime(if choosing between the two) but if I'm feeling a long cruise with some friends. I might roll up 2 nice blunts. Also, I feel like the smell of blunts, while not similar to bud, lingers for longer and is almost parallel to the usage of the green stuff.

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  18. But hey, smoke 'em if you got 'em

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  19. Blunts for special occasions.
    Joints for whenever you cant use glass, or when smoking in public/with others. that may be novices.

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