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Joint Shape Benefits?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by NewSmoke15, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. What is the benefit of a conical shaped joint over a cigarette shaped joint?
  2. make it fatter without havin massive roach
  3. As the joint burns resin builds closer to the mouth, making that end taste stronger. As you get to the end of a cone you are burning less, making it taste less from the resin buildup. At the end of a regular j it tastes like hairy butt-hole, from the amount of res that builds up. At the end of a regular j you get a wad of resin that blocks it. At the end of a cone you get a little drop that you rip off.
    But really cones are easier to roll, so most people roll cones and say they're better because they can't roll a perfect j.
    And roaches are for bitches, burn to a half inch and drop it in a bowl, unless it's a cone... thats like smoking rez, it's just nasty..
  4. Easier to roll basically, then simply pack the end, which can add up to be more than you could fit in a normal straight cigarette.

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