Joined the Marines.

Discussion in 'General' started by CmUrDeR, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. one of my good friends just recently joined and is starting basic training in a couple weeks before shipped overseas.... im crushed, ive known him since second grade and im afraid that after he leaves i may never see him again.

    i dont think i would ever join, my life very important to me.
  2. btw I do hate those assholes that have been in for-fucking-ever and finally make staff sergeant and think they're god... you still salute a second lieutenant?
  3. I wanted to join the marines, and I also wanted to go to Naval Academy (I actually got the congressional nomination.) However I was medically disqualified. I'll most likely join the peace corps after college though. Good luck bro, Semper Fidelis.
  4. Haha. True man. I'm so jealous you're done and able to smoke weed. I can not decide if I want to stay in or gtfo. Both sides have advantages. I can retire at 39, live off the pension and travel until I die, or get out in a few years, get another degree and smoke weed all day.
  5. How long have you been in, Rudolf?
  6. this is really interesting man, I love hearing the thoughts of the guys who've been over there + rep
  7. to the o/p good shit and good luck bro! I got out of the Army as an E-4 and my pops is a former Marine. You do what you gotta do.:smoking:
  8. says the POG! j/k man i'd wished i had a better mos or been able to reclass
  9. Almost two. I have two years to decide if I want to re-enlist or not. Two months ago my re-enlistment bonus was 60 grand, and Obama took every penny away LOL. It was such a nice incentive : (.
  10. I would join but i have conflicting issues with the war. Plus, my lungs pisses me off. Fucking ciggerettes.

    I would also hate to get killed by getting randomely blown up by a IED while walking along or driving on the road. Fucking coward terrorists

    I was thinking the Marine Infrantry...buttt
    Also i love helicopters; i always wanted to learn how to fly one and fly those military copters... im thinking about that... but i dont know the requirements.
  11. I've been considering the USMC for a little bit now... Mostly as a tribute to my late grandfather.

    I definitely need to get in shape before I even think of boot camp, though.
  12. why would you ever willingly want to join the marines

  13. Damn... I would've been sold on that big of a bonus...
    But really I can't tell you exactly what to do, your situation is completely unique, however, if you can make it, retirement is great.
  14. There is no experience that matches it. I had my best and worst times of my life there. And when you're done, you know that you have done something with your life that you have a right to be proud of. I do have great respect for all branches, but, Marines are brothers forever from my EGA ceremony to when the NCOIC hands whoever cares enough my folded flag, I will be a brother to all other Devil Dogs, you find comaraderie in all branches, but I bet it is not to that degree.

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