'Jews and the Murder of the White Race' ft. Stefan Molyneux

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jane_Bellamont, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. The most racist video on the internet?

    You decide. Grab that blunt and stream ahead .. at your own risk. :cool:

    Try to remain civil. I know it's tempting to get angry .. but, you know. You're not going to change these people's minds no matter what you tell 'em.. so... might as well just watch the video and enjoy it for what it is.. ...; a satisfaction of morbid curiosity.

  2. Odd video.

    Most of it is Molyneux, and the end is some jew hating narrative by idk who...

    Didnt even seem coherent as a whole

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  3. Anyway, I find Mr. Molyneux to be an interesting kind of guy. I love the way he expresses and organized ideas, and in many ways, you could say I have been inspired by his use of language and spoken word. I think one of his first videos I've seen was when he talked about Elliot Rodger, Robin Williams, economics, libertarianism, etc.

    It seems to me that the minute he realized that the alt-right movement was becoming more trendy than libertarianism, he decided to jump the bandwagon .. and now all he seems to talk about is the issue of race and Donald Trump's awesomeness.

    He seems to be utterly convinced that getting everyone to agree that some races are superior to others, that immigrants are rapists ... and agreeing with the 'science' behind it .... and ARGUING with people, as he puts it ... as well as cutting off all contact with the friends and family in your life who don't agree with your political views ....... ... will somehow make the word a better place.

    He seems to be utterly convinced that 'PC culture' is destroying the world, when really .. it was merely a global, cultural reaction to the crimes against humanity committed during World War II (and some few decades after), atrocities that have put our survival as a species in jeopardy. People seem to think that Hitler and WWII are irrelevant in this day and age, when really, the wounds are as fresh as can be, and are only 70 years old. I'd take '21st century political correctness' over nazi Germany, any day.

    It's not as if you're going to go to prison for walking around with a KKK suit. It's more like, people just don't want to listen to your bullshit, and they don't have to be forced to talk about it on their media platforms. You got censored on Twitter? Big deal .. ... it's like hearing someone whining that they got kicked out of a bar. First world problems. Twitter is a private organization and has the right to silence whoever they want. You could lose your job for spouting racist crap, and so you should. It's free market capitalism, man. That's real libertarianism, for what is worth.

    Then again, does anybody honestly believe that there is anything you could possibly tell Molyneux that will change his mind? Of course not. I mean, look at the man's eyes.. he looks like he's about to start a fist fight with you at any given moment. The man seems utterly and almost religiously convinced about every single thing he's about to tell you,
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  4. I cant really comment, i have only heard Molyneux maybe 4 times now including the video you linked. He talks a lot a out non-aggression principle so i dont think he would punch someone

  5. His logic is pretty appealing to me mostly.. I have not heard a lot or anything on trump. But I agree his reasoning was pretty solid and then some BS nazi Jew hating propaganda started playing.. And it didn't exactly jive together into any kind of coherent message.. My wife is Jewish.. And my heritage is mainly German.. I can honestly say I've experienced a lot of racist behavior/treatment from her family... It really surprised me, but I did not reciprocate..
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  6. I also find it funny how he talks about how white people date white people, jewish people date other jews, asians date asians, black people date black people.

    I mean, if the people in your immediate surroundings are mostly the same ethnic group as you, of course you're more likely to date those of your same ethnic group.

    Then again, here in New Zealand .. as far as my personal experience goes ... It's actually kind of becoming harder to find white men dating other white girls, white girls dating white men. It's even almost impossible to find white people of the same hair color dating each other .. lol

    You do see a lot of indian couples, asian couples, etc. but that's usually people who have immigrated to the country together, and have chosen to stay together.

    There's quite a lot of white 20-something males dating hot asian and Indian girls .. Blonde chicks dating middle eastern guys (and even asian guys, albeit this is probably less common than the opposite-gender version of this relationship!)

    Anyway, Stefan Molyneux may not be explicitly racist in my book .. but a large portion of his followers are, and as far as I know, I have not seen a single instance of him condemning this white supremacist sentiment among his followers. .. but I have seen a lot of instances where he will directly reply to the comments that disagree with his videos.
  7. I've also personally always found it better to make friends with white people, and even Asians ... than with other South Americans, or even Russians .. even though I'm Russian/Latina. I'm not even interested in actively seeking friendships with other South Americans, unless I happened to come across a South American guy or girl who had something in common with me.

    Last time I got invited to a South American social group, I politely declined the invitation .. lol

    All in all, I've been finding it harder and harder to respect Molyneux over the past couple of months. I wouldn't be surprised if he one day ends up shaving his head, getting some tattoos .. and running around the streets with a flag.
  8. If you can parse the things you dont like with all the good points, id say he is worth listening to


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