Hey how's it going? So I'm going to an art college, and this is my first year. I'm in Jewelry & Metals and also Hot Glass (hell yes, I'm gonna try making a bong) haha. Anyways, I need to come up with an idea for my project that involves piercing and sawing techniques, where I basically have to come up with some kind of object where I need to "cut out" pieces of metal like this: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs21/300W/f/2007/250/4/0/Copper_Heart_Pendant_by_joharasaluki.jpg So my questions to you is what kind of objects (ex. mask, incense burner, candle holder, etc.) or theme's could I use for my piece?
how about an apple with a worm popping out through a hole with teeth marks on the other side. Like, someone bit into it lol.