
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Inlakesh, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. #1 Inlakesh, Apr 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2012
    So I find this video about I would like to share you guys...
    OSHO: Jealousy- Society's Device to Divide and Rule - YouTube

    So this video got me thinking about how jealousy, comparisions and competition poison everything and how we all need to stop competing in order to be in peace with ourselves. Ever since we are born everyone is telling us we are not good enough, and jealousy is society's device to keep us fighting and competing.

    I think this is pretty sick and I think this is a big issue and that we would be a much more peaceful and happy society if we dropped jealousy and competion and I would like to know your opinion about this guys...

    Good night and peace:smoke:...

  2. We should definitely not drop competition or you can kiss any serious developments goodbye. Competition inspires hardwork and innovation.

    Jealousy, however, should be dropped. It's feeling insecure because someone else is better, which i think is bad. Its really a fine emotional line depending on how one perceives not being the best or having everything they want when someone else does.

    Competition is often good. Jealousy isn't.

    Now ill go watch the video and reflect
  3. Ive never felt the need to compete. I played sports growing up but never took them seriously. I always viewed other males who took competition to the extreme as lacking in some dept. And needing to make up for some insecurity.

    Theres a very real brainwashing technique countries use to control people through nationalism. Start studying some world history and youll see this tactic used over and over again. The govts. Figured out you can do anything you want with enough people behind you. Right Hitler?
  4. I think we should drop competition, Why? Because I think we should drop comparisions and racing if we want a happy and healthy society. In my opinion spiritual growth and personal happiness are more important than technological progress(that doesn't mean technological progress isn't important). But right now we have a fucked up society with amazing technological achievements and with anxious, jealous, fake individuals. We need to drop prejudices, comparisions and jealousy so we can evolve.

    "The day you stop racing, is the day you win the race"
    -Bob Marley

    Btw, did you like the video? what are your reflections on it?

  5. Well said.

    I just had this weird mental image of ricky bobby racing around at nascar. What do i do dad? He yells, i cant win!

    Just stop son, the day you stop youll win. Lmao. Was funny to me, but i entertain myself all the time. Didnt mean to steal the light from your post. Peace.
  6. As long as "serious developments" continue, we'd be causing more problems than we solve. Everything has a balance, and as we continue forth with technological progression. We continue to deplete the earths resources.

    I see your connection between jealousy, comparisons, and competitions. And peace always sounds good, except for those who have no desire for, peace, nor wisdom.
  7. I fully agree man. We all need to stop comparing, and just live the way we want to live.

  8. Amen to that.

    I have a cousin whos main goal n life is to hurt and scare others. His entire life that never changed and he became a marine to take life. He became a chp to have power and break laws. Power drives him, power, anger, jealously and greed. I also know people who measure other mens worth or value as a human being by the material things they own. I keep my distance from all f these people and find peace working my own land. But i also invest in weapons should the monsters ever knock on the door.

    Part of wisdom is knowing when to react and when a reaction is necessary at all. Fools fail to prepare, and in doing so, prepare to fail.
  9. I think jealousy is a mixture of our worst base animal instincts - desire, rage, and fear.
    So if we give in to jealousy we give in to the animal in our head. And in a world where we don't need that animal, it is totally wrong to act on it.
  10. Until we stop having such a hypocritical, superficial culture and become more spiritually focused, there will be fake unhealthy standards and people will continue competing with each other. Today, people think that having a lot of material wealth is the biggest success in life, but happiness, integrity and awareness are the biggest success in life.

    Jealousy creates a deep unsatisfaction with yourself, and if you think you are not worthy or good enough and you are always jealous of other people you'll never be in peace with yourself.

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