I've been enjoying my Boundless CF.

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by TheGreen13, Aug 11, 2018.

  1. I bought a new Boundless CF a couple weeks ago. Since my state finally allowed flower with the rest of the medical mj. It's great. You dont have to pack chamber either. It will vape even a tiny bit. I even bought the water pipe attachment for it and looking to get a decent glass to make the vapor even smoother. I like vaping between 400 and 415 degrees. I think it gives more relaxing effects.

    I guess I'll be looking to get a good bong for it for my birthday coming up in the Fall. I was looking online. So many to chose from. Lol.

    The flower is a lot easier to handle then the 60% THC oil they introduced in the beginning. I've been really enjoying the Lemon G strain.

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