I've noticed lately how a lot of people treat this forum like a landfill for their special snowflake cosmology, which is quite often just some recycled and uninspired mumbo-jumbo. Sorry if this opinion bothers anyone, but lets face it: your feeling of how the universe is put together is just as much an opinion. I'm glad you've got it figured out, but inevitably if examined it always comes down to "its my subjective thing." Which is fine, but I don't understand what you're accomplishing by making it public (especially if you ever talk about ego). Even when it's not the philosophical equivalent of a highdea, the established ideologies contain a lot of supernatural extras. We talk about souls, afterlives, reincarnations. We apparently think of ourselves as greater than the whole of who we are. Our humanity is not enough, we must also have an element that extends into the universe and fondles all the other parts of the universe inappropriately. It's absurd to me. Maybe there is something else - gods, angels, whatever - but how do we assure ourselves that our notion of a soul is real, and not some arrogant ego-centric notion born of our own self-awareness? Is it that we are so insecure as to be unable to accept that our limited existence is all there is for us? Has anyone really done anything to deserve any more than that? Or even just that? So tell me then, if you can, why you might think you "subjectively feel" there is something more to you than a mind and body. Please do not tell me what or how. I want to know why you think your mind subjectively feels this. If it isn't real, why would your mind make you believe it is? Why isn't it enough to be who we are? Why do we want to talk so much while doing so little? Why do we need there to be something more? We have ourselves, each other, and so much more every day than the day before. Why is our nature to never be satisfied?
i can show you exactly why I feel certain things that I do.... quite a simple answer really..... spikes and waves to say one has"it" figured out..... (anytime that "it" is more then what you are having for breakfast or what color to pain the bathroom)is just a way of trying to fool yourself into some type of security....
I already had my beliefs long before this happened but the first time I smoked weed I had an out of body experience and I was looking down at myself from above my body. That would be pretty good evidence to me that there's something more than science wants to admit.
it'll be interesting to see if anybody who believes in souls and reincarnation and the like can actually bypass their default reaction and entertain the notion that there could be something compelling them to falsely feel the way they do.
Science is all the evidence needed to establish that there is more to learn in the universe. If someone were to say you used drugs and hallucinated, you would be in no position to say otherwise. In any case, I'm not interested in what happened. What I'd like to know is this: If it were possible to know and if it were found out that your experience was not real... why do you think your mind would have done that to you?
that is one way to look at it yes.... the literal translation is that the picture.....is an EEG recording.... the part that is circled......is something i get that most dont......this makes me feel things..... sometimes intensified versions of real things.... sometimes things that are far from real.... how do i know whats real and whats not.......i dont... i hope the understanding i am holding onto is close enough to whats real to get me there....wherever there may be... where am i going? idfk? what the fuck am i doing? idfk? im just as lost on this planet as the next asshole.....just so happens im not afraid to say so yes things change.... what is my reality today.... may not be tomorrow...or even 5 min from now.... what i feel i believe is in an ever changing state of flux.... just like the lines in that pic...... i get to ride up on the top of that wave briefly....then slide down another spike.... i know that my mind (thanks to the patterns of these spikes and waves) has a way of making things up.... this creative streak is great at times... but i have to watch it...as it has a mind of its own.... and if i give it too much play...there is no telling what it may convince me of...... i watch people fool themselves all the time.... people who dont even have to live with random hallucinations... convincing themselves of all kinds of shit........and what is it really doing for them? i still dfk......
i think i understand. you have a documented condition, so you are probably even more interested than i am to know what causes people who have the luxury of a life of clearer perception to believe the supernatural extras.
i am more then certain that parts of my experience are so not real....(outside my head-quite real inside of it) and that there are very real things i have experienced...that i have no memory of..... it is a fact.....what i see as reality cannot always be trusted... why does my mind do this to me..... well ...this much i can say....the doctors sure as hell cant figure out why my mind does this.... they can figure out the how.......but not the why...... why do i think it does it...... fuck ...idk?
When you have an experience that takes you beyond what you think you are, even if it feels like it might have originated from within, doesn't negate its validity as an experience. Reality is such a subjective thing, and that's also the beauty of it. We really do create what we experience. It just doesn't matter whether what people experience is completely subjective or even bordering on the delusional, if it truly makes life better, opens the heart to feeling something greater than yourself, then I say good luck to you. After all, if it's all bullshit, once you're gone, there won't be any 'you' to know you were wrong anyway.
Well lets see, there are quite a few reasons I believe in a life after death. The fact that my grandfather died, experienced "heaven", and came back. The fact that my mom's friend visited her in a "dream" the day after he died and told her he was going to look after me and my brother (my mom was unaware of his death). I've only had one real out of body experience I can remember, and that doesn't really prove that we continue to live after our bodies die but it leads me to believe that the "source" of our consciousness is indeed non-local.
Isn't that the point of sentience? To recognize that all things must and do (change) and we are only responsible for acting accordingly. If anyone were to act against the flow of change within time, it's only predictable that the current will drag you. Very few people are actual salmons in life, and there's no real value in going against it.
id much rather swim against the stream then simply go with the flow of humans..... i do go with the flow of my life and the shit i encounter along the way.... but no way i am getting drug along with the heard......
Actually, sentience is about seeing the mainstream for what it is, a non stream that engulfs the heard. The actual flow is what feels good to you, but the mainstream is the drug for those not able to see for themselves. They drug themselves with sensation filled media that takes care of a responsibility that they should carry out themselves. The mainstream provides lessons in life, but no sense of fulfillment. The actual flow is whatever stream you use to fulfill yourself and the motivation of going against it is fueled by the fear of recognizing that you're flow is truly unknown to you whom walk it and you never know what might happen. Accepting this makes walking the flow that much easier and life that much more fulfilling. Change is supposed to teach us that, but those that are stuck in the past use mainstream as a drug to carry on with the present while we are stuck in the past. They may have notions of what fulfillment is, but they carry it out in ways that are minuscule in comparison to what our potential is capable of bringing us.
Shit happens...either you accept it as something with a larger meaning or you dont....that is why I 'subjectively feel' that my perceptions can be attributed to some force that is higher....powerful experiences are hard to refute within yourself. I have thought about refuting those experiences to my mind having some anomaly...but it has happened to the extent that I cannot believe it is not that at all. It becomes a surety that there are no words to explain....and that is why some people cannot see it as valid. ~~~~~~~ Also on a related note, human nature hasnt changed...Think humans are inherently good? Still too much animal in us for that...the natural instinct for survival we are given..which has a purpose, but makes society shit sometimes. It is possible that humanity will rise above the need for dogmatic religion one day...Change in conscious awareness will have to happen through education and betterment of society, ultimately, for that to happen on a global scale. Isnt that the goal? What if no one had to eat, or sleep, or need shelter?....THEN we'd be talking about a different experience as humans on this Earth. Then maybe Secular Humanism would have validity for the world's population....meaning today....not 500 years from now if we havent blown ourselves up.
Yes. I have entertained that notion many times. What it comes down to, in the end though, is that my faith makes me a happier person. It gives me a goal to attain to, a way of looking at the world that makes sense to me, and practices which bring me peace, greater insight into my own psyche, and a system of psychoanalysis through meditation and contemplation to fix my own problems in a non-destructive way. Hasidic Judaism is radically different than most religions, though. If it's all false, then fine. But the way I am now, compared to the way I was just a year ago, is like day and night, and the only thing I can attribute that to is my faith. Things just fell into place when I started to practice what I had been raised to practice my whole life.
i dont even watch tv 90% of my human interaction is here....on gc what they carry out seams all to often to be no more then empty rituals..... this my friend may be an understatement you know i have become close with a group of hasidics from Brooklyn who are up here every summer.... from being among them....what i see is a way of life that celebrates being alive! and giving thanks! not a few hrs on sunday of being told how to think by the guy in the front of the room.....