Heh, well, maybe some of you have heard me complain about the prices in my area, but I just thought it was really funny becuase in they last 10 or so conversations of had wwith people.. before I said wheer I was from they said "I hear Long Island is the wost place, price wise" or something like that... well I just thought that was funny... well funny after I got over the totally pissed feeling. just for a quick check in prices, heres what th ecurrent prices are around here (and this is the prices EVERY dealer sells at, none sell any cheaper, and I know some big dealera around here) KB (which people call anything that is good) $20 a gram, $50 1/8 (3.5g), $350 an ounce (28g) mids (anything below KB thats green, with seeds, and bad, but not complete shit) $10 g, 1/8 $20, $125+ an ounce regs (complete shit, dont even get you high) $75 an ounce as for other thing (I only do a few other things, so I'll list them) shrooms: $30 1/8 (I hear thats fucking crazy, and pisses me off, sicne I really liek shrooms) acid $5 a tab (yeah I know standard price is like $2 a tab, pretty sad, and I bet the shit acid we get is 10 times worse then the average) $4 a tab for 20+... dont know when prices drop after that e $20 a pill (never done it, never will, so dont know the price in quantity) as for other things, such as cocain, well, i never done it, they are available (and from what i hear, good quality), but I dont even know the pricing Have fun laughing. But you don't live here (or if you do, I share your pain)... i need to move, or get me a dealer in the city (but I dont feel liek just going up to one the goodre, last time I did that, i had them following me for blocks tryingt to deal me complete shit, and I dont know anyone there that can introduce me to a good one) I really need a good dealer, I can barely smoke now, at these prices
dude that really sux, im in houston and the most i pay for an oz of good shit is 50$ an oz, im about to buy a qp for 130 in a week. but hydro shit that get u high in 1 hit is like 15$ a gram here, i wish i could afford to get that type of shit. i dont know prices for other drug really cuz i dont do them. i know e is about 20-30 here for one, 5$ a hit for acid . dont know anything about ntohing else.
nah dude, not laughing here. prices in northern cali are the same, except acid you only buy @ $5/tab if you're at a rave or buying from someone you don't know (which isn't a good idea anyhow), and shrooms are $20/eighth. luckily, we know people who give us good deals so we're not too terribly wrought over the prices you listed, those are the going price on the market out here though so i'm weepin' with ya xo~
Yeah, but the other thing about here is, atleast half the dealers short you, a quarter of dealers try to sell you shit saying its KB (that I don't fall for, but it still wastes 30 minutes beeping the dealer, and waiting for him), then a majority take a fucking hour to get there. I got about 10 dealers that I regularly get from, only like 3 of them are real good and fast, but they all have jobs a lot of the time, or are in the city (which should be where I buy, I just gotta find a good connection thats not the complete shit everyone there call shydro, even tho it fucking mostly brown) Then again, we do get some good KB most the time, mainly because thers on guy who goes upstate monthly for a few pounds... he probably gets it cheap, but still sells the shit for $300 an ounce... but he only sells to a few choice friends.. so by the tiem oyu get it, it's atleast $350, and probably about 26g (2g short).
look closer....you're full of shit im sorry but no one gets a qp of kind bud for 130. im tired of people making shit up about how good and cheap their weed is. stop bragging its not very becoming of you guys. and blitz i dont really know about the other drugs but i live near dc and prices are exactly the same, so dont let it get ya down.
Wonka: look closer is obviously getting some mids, which even at that price, is REALLY cheap, so possibly even regs, or just he's got his prices/amount wrong.... hmm prices are the same in DC, that blows.. I know a few people that live in Jersey, up state (NY), and other places that get some good prices (about half what I pay) for good KB, Northern Lights, etc. So our prices do suck compared to other places in the US
"dude that really sux, im in houston and the most i pay for an oz of good shit is 50$ an oz, im about to buy a qp for 130 in a week. but hydro shit that get u high in 1 hit is like 15$ a gram here, i wish i could afford to get that type of shit. i dont know prices for other drug really cuz i dont do them. i know e is about 20-30 here for one, 5$ a hit for acid . dont know anything about ntohing else" hey asshole, i never said kind bud, i said good shit meaning it gets me high. dont tell me im full of shit or that i have my prices wrong or anything. i cant help that u pay too much for weed and get ripped offf....what i get would be called mids. but it sure as hell isnt ditchweed. i said i lived in texas, right next to mexico ya know? why the fuck do you think i get it so cheap....fucking moron.
Yeah, I'm in houston too and I get mine for about $50/oz or $60 for the seedless variety. Now if its hydro or any other specialty i pay about $20/gram or $30. look closer isn't full of shit, I promise!
i feel for you man.. living in bc, ive seen shitty bud like twice in my life, and even then it was fucking CHEAP. the best solution, of course, would be to move to bc
$30 for 1/8 of shrooms is the going rate around here though, so dont feel too bad opium is EXPENSIVE though($60 a gram anyone?) not sure about other drug prices.. acid is probably about $5 a hit