It IS legal!??!?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Blazin'Talon, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Ok, I knew all about the use of cannabis in the Bible and thought it was pretty cool. As a religious person, it actually made me do some thinking and I dealt with some things. I was always kinda torn up about my use, as I was really worried it might be sinful. Anyway, that's not what I'm here to post about. Well, sorta. If you want to read up on this topic, try this...
    helpful site!

    What I found amazing, on looking through the Marijuana Party of Alberta (where I'm from) site was that this fact alone means that it is legal in Canada...

    This blows my mind. Even if you don't believe a word of the Bible this is still good news, we're not talking about belief or even truth. It's simply an established text that is considered law of Canada.

    I'm not really asking a question or anything, I was just mindfucked by this and needed to tell someone...I looked around a bit and didn't notice anything posted. If I missed it I apologize, feel free to textually harass me. I'm tough, I can take it. :D:smoking:
  2. i'm not particularly religious myself, but this kind of information can be universally helpful sometimes. thanks for sharing bro
  3. i too had to do some serious contemplation from the religious perspective when i started smoking. after thinking on it for a long time and trying to delete all the biased propaganda that i had been subjected too over the years, i came to the conclusion that it was fine. why would it be wrong to do something that doesnt harm my body any more than eating at a fast food restaurant yet causes happiness and peacefulness? logically speaking, marijuana is the least of our worries. if everyone smoked some now and then, thered be a lot more proactive activity and less fighting over menial and trivial matters. its simply ignorant to believe that marijuana is something to fight

  4. :hello:

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