Israeli Medical Marijuana Study

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by OneKindSite, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Have you heard about the study in Israel? We thought it was a good step moving forward for the medical marijuana community. We hope this will help catapult many more studies going forward and help with the medical marijuana evolution and revolution.

    To learn a bit more, check out our article about the Israeli Medical Marijuana Study.

    What are your thoughts about this?
  2. This is where modern day cannabis research came from. Watch Dr. Raphael Mechoulam featured in this fantastic documentary. He's the one who isolated the active compound THC and talks about it in this great video.
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  3. I think there are an awful lot of typos in that article. Makes it difficult to read. But on Isreal, yeah, light years ahead of us.

    In similar news I got to meet Dr. Mechoulam -what a nice guy!! Just couldn't be any nicer.

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