Massive rockets attacks have been going since yesterday from Gaza, 100 rockets were fired on israel southern city's and they still keep going.. out of 30 that were aimed to civilians population, 28 were destroyed by Iron Dome !! Haha !!,7340,L-4200923,00.html,7340,L-4200794,00.html,7340,L-4200955,00.html
100's rockets were fired Israel? Yesterday, when I read the news, 2 or 3 mortar shells were fired into Israel, not injuring or killing anyone, and Israel responded with bombings via jets into the Gaza strip killing civilians and 1 possible militant. Ah, I see the militants are pissed, as always, and have continued the bombardment.
[quote name='"Swills"']100's rockets were fired Israel? Yesterday, when I read the news, 2 or 3 mortar shells were fired into Israel, not injuring or killing anyone, and Israel responded with bombings via jets into the Gaza strip killing civilians and 1 possible militant. Ah, I see the militants are pissed, as always, and have continued the bombardment. [/quote] Yeap, 90 rockets since Friday.. 25 Grad long range and Theres more firing into Israel as we speak.. Actually right now .. And No, read the news again, todays news.. Its all very fresh. Israel didn't got one militant, IDF got as many as 15 terrorist ready to launch rockets and they got them first, together with 3 major commanders. They are pissed off they can't hit major cities, so far Iron Done doing excellent job.
I know I'm going to regret saying this... because it goes against all my beliefs, especially the fact that the Israeli's jacked all that land from its previous owners, the Palestinians. But both sides are ever too stubborn to come to a compromise. Its really fucking sad. With that fact said... STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH THIS BACK AND FORTH TIT-FOR-TAT, HURRY THE FUCK UP AND DESTROY WHATS LEFT OF GAZA & THE WEST BANK AND THEN FUCKING REBUILD THE PLACE. JUST STOP FUCKING OCCUPYING SHIT IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE FULL CONTROL OF THE DAMN PLACE. PUT EVERYONE OUT OF THEIR FUCKING MISERY... YOU ASSHOLES. God... its bad enough hearing every three months both sides go back and forth, Hamas kills one person, Israel kills 15 in retaliation. Meanwhile the civilians of Gaza & the West Bank starve. Just get the fucking shit over with. Both of you suck for not finding a way to end this peacefully. And Israel sucks even more for not being the 'better man' and trying to use diplomacy to remedy the situation.
Yea we all wish for, but in real life.. Israel tried many time with no success, they don't want peace and they don't want two state solution they want the entire country to them self, from the Golan to the Red Sea.. No politics will work there.
Unfortunately for the above Zionist, the Iron Dome will prove useless in the face of Arab demographics in the near future.
[quote name='"AW"'] you make it sound like a sporting event.. sounds fun..[/quote] Not sporting event, just happy that the system usa & israel developed saves israel chilldrens from gaza rockets. Very happy.
[quote name='"Dispellaroflies"']Unfortunately for the above Zionist, the Iron Dome will prove useless in the face of Arab demographics in the near future.[/quote] Don't worry, when new issues come new solution comes with them.
Ah, but I am not. It is solely the Zionists (in addition to those crazed Christain bigots) who are worrying about the inevitable. Talk is cheap.
the iron dome is SICK. We thought it was so ill that we gave them a bunch of cash to help them develop it. You just need a bunch of Iron Domes and a bunch of bombers to hold it down these days. The iron dome reminds me of the trophy system in COD.
[quote name='"Friendlybear"']the iron dome is SICK. We thought it was so ill that we gave them a bunch of cash to help them develop it. You just need a bunch of Iron Domes and a bunch of bombers to hold it down these days. The iron dome reminds me of the trophy system in COD.[/quote] Very effective in Drop Zone
Doesnt the iron done shoot missiles to stop the incoming projectiles? I heard that each missile fired to stop the projectiles is like $40k each. Militants might not kill anyone but they could simply bankrupt israel.
40k is chump change to Israel, my man. They get about 2 billion a year in aid for their military alone, from us, you do the math.
lol @ those who think money is real or has any real meaning to it, especially coming from Israel, the USA, and the West. Lulz