Isn't it if you're fucking a pregnant girl, a threesome?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by SmokingRookie, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. I mean, there is you, your female who you're having sex with, and the baby. So wouldn't that be considered a threesome? lol let the trolling start.
  2. Yea like the baby is getting in on the action too. How exactly is the baby getting frisky?
  3. the baby is rubbing the uterus. maybe they find pleasure in it? idk i'm not a female, or carry a child in my uterus.
  4. Oh god, this thread failed from the start. Delete it while you stilll can hahaha
  5. I'm actually fucking speechless right now.
  6. only if you fuck the baby, too.
  7. hahhahahahahahhaahah
  8. Yes, thats exactly right.
  9. ewwwwwwww

  10. It's more like the babys just sitting there Listening caressing his smooth baby dick
  11. i fucked octomom and i had a 10some
  12. Even if it is a threesome: Almost every parent has had sex during pregnancy. Try not have sex for 9 months with your lover.
  13. No.

    I'm just going to go with... No.
  14. That all depends on the size of the man's penis...

    And on that note I think we have ourselves a rape case, not a threesome... Unless of course the baby consents.
  15. a zygote is not a baby.
  16. I'm pretty sure thats how it works, yeah.
  17. Gross. Just gross.
  18. I have actually discussed this while high as tits, me and my pal decided no, because it's like watching 2 people fuck, your not involved. Also the child is not conicious about the sex
  19. lol ight just thought bout asking. funny reactions though.

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