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Is This Weird?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JakeMader, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Is it weird that I don't like to get super fucked up by smoking a shit ton of weed? I prefer taking it slow/easy using a pipe or a joint or a bubbler. Also, I prefer to get very buzzed rather than stoned or totally baked. I feel like the high is more comfortable. However, everyone I know wants to get super stoned and loves using huge ass bongs to get ripped off of their asses. Am I weird for not wanting to do this and only wanting to get buzzed? I think it's more fun that way.

  2. when theres nothin to do I usually prefer to load my bong and get really ripped of a few bowls. but sometimes when I have to do something or I wanna skate whatever I only smoke a bowl or two out of my pipe and get a little buzz goin
  3. I feel you man. I like to get a buzz going and hop on my drum kit. I can't play if I'm too stoned. But I also like to get baked and watch TV shows
  4. Buzzed when out

    Couchlocked at home
  5. Getting super stoned all the time is not for everyone I guess, I know a lot of people who like to just get chilled rather than totally stoned. Including my Dad who has smoked since I can remember :p
  6. Since when do you get "super fucked up" on weed?
    I've personally been beyond baked at a 9 or a 10 but I still wouldn't say I'm "fucked up"
  7. Love getting super stoned, but like anyone else, there's times a nice buzz will have to do.
  8. Nah man not weir at all. There's times i just don't want to get that high and then there are times i take hits until i can't anymore :laughing:. Don't let anyone talk shit to you about not smoking enough. Knowing whats enough is a mark of a responsible and smart stoner.
  9. I usually aim to get super baked. But at night right before bed I like to smoke only 1 or 2 bowls to get the buzz going.
  10. No it's not weird. I think I know what you mean by fucked up. Where im from we call it a "whitey". Its what we call when someone goes that pale green off peak colour, you feel sick and the room starts spinning. I get this if I smoke too much too quickly its all about knowing your limits. If you are smoking a lot pace yourself is all I can really say.


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