Is this website just flat out lying?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by e1evatedd, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. I was reading an article from this website about energy drinks, one thing that stood out to me was they said people who drink energy drinks regularly are more likely to try other drugs most commonly marijuana. I clicked on the link they highlighted for marijuana and it brought me to another one of their articles, Marijuana: The Proven Drawbacks on Your Body

    The first two health risks were surprising to me, "Increased risk of heart attack. Your risk of having a heart attack more than quadruples in the first hour after smoking marijuana" and "Marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke." I don't understand how your 4x more likely to have a heart attack, where did that number even come from, and I was always under the impression that marijuana had very few carcinogenic chemicals.. at least far less then tobacco (unless tobacco alone is safe and its just cigarettes are very carcinogenic).

    Is there any truth to what this website states?
  2. It does raise your blood pressure, hence "red eye" but THC does not cause cancer. By products from smoking might, but vaped, cannabis will never give you cancer.
  3. Wrong. Bud smoke contains 400 chemicals that are carcinogenic tabacco contains 4000 carcinogenic chemicals.
  4. Smoke is bad for you no matter what it is from. That being said those studies are correct. The reason that you have an increased risk of heart attack is because 1) increased heart rate 2) increased blood pressure. At the same time you're at an increased risk of heart attack when exercising and that doesnt stop people from exercising. If you can run a mile you probably won't get a heart attack from bud. As for the second study it is hard to say exactly how much (this is more important than how many) carcinogenic material is actually in marijuana smoke. Regardless many studies have been done that clearly prove that tobacco smoke is much more likely to cause cancer that marijuana smoke. Period. In fact many scientists believe that there is some compound in marijuana that may negate the effects of the carcinogenic compounds because there is no logical way to explain the lack of cancer caused by the smoke. There are many cancer causing substances in the smoke yet no one gets cancer, or at least not a significant amount. Of course if you vape your bud A LOT of the risk is lowered.

    Basically the website was not lying but perhaps leaving out all the facts (just as pro marijuana websites tend to do) you should always do your own research.
  5. Caffeine also raises your heart rate. See: energy drinks, coffee, etc...

    I hate that argument people try pulling.
  6. If you read the studies they used, they grossly over simplified it.

    Of course they wont post the studies that say that its never been linked to cancer, will they? is the only place I know that gives both sides
  7. #7 Brenjin, Nov 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2010

    sure thc is a stimulant and can increase your heart rate but unless you have some serious heart problems there shouldn't be any complications and in that case you shouldn't be smoking anyway.

    also, the crap that makes tobacco so cancer causing is the radioactive carcinogens, cannabis only has regular carcinogens, and less of them.

  8. Wrong.

    Tobacco has about 50 carcinogens, cannabis has none.

    You obviously don't know what a carcinogen is :rolleyes:
  9. Well, the article said smoking marijuana increases your risk of a heart attack "in the first hour after smoking". I've read that marijuana increases your heart rate, so they could be right, but I've never heard of any long term effects mj could have on your heart.

    I've also heard that smoked mj has 4x the carcinogens of tobacco. But I've also heard that there's no corrolation between smoking marijuana and developing lung cancer, even in long-term users. And I've heard mj could actually have some anti-cancer properties.

    I don't think marijuana is harmless, but it's a better choice than alcohol or tobacco.
  10. Any combustible plant matter releases carcinogens. :rolleyes:
  11. I was under the assumption that nicotine kills people from smoking cigs. You can after all, make pure nicotine at home and it will kill someone pretty easily (if done right). Nicotine itself is a poison...

  12. Sounds like we have an anarchist

  13. have you ever actually heard of someone getting a heart attack while high primarily due to the weed? what is said on both sides of the legalization argument should be thought about using your common sense
  14. Actually cannabis lowers blood pressure. It's a vasodilator.

    The red eye comes from the relaxed and expanded blood vessels becoming more visible in the eyes.
  15. The heart has no need for weed, especially for middle-aged people

    Newsflash! People who smoke cannabis also have heart attacks. In addition they drive cars, walk their dogs and wear shoes.

    From the same article:

  16. Or someone who knows that nicotine is a poison...?

  17. If you combust it :rolleyes:
  18. I found this on the same site you posted:

    Illegal Drugs Identification Chart

    "How it's Administered: The stems and/or seeds are smoked or eaten and it's often rolled into cigarettes or cigars."

    Why does every single anti-drug site have stupid shit like this?

  19. If I remember correctly it takes a drop of liquid nicotine to kill someone. Cigarettes don't have close to that amount.
  20. The Tyranny of Public Health


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