So I picked this weed up some weeks ago. Its free so I can't really complain, but I was wondering if this is garbage weed or what. Thank you in advance. Bud is love, bud is life.
Who cares if anyone else thinks its good or not. It may be straight up schwag, but if it gets you high, who cares.
Yeah, but I may be traveling out of state with some friends to smoke, and if its schwag, I'm not going to take it. Bud is love, bud is life.
I don't know man probably not. I still fail to understand your logic. Are you afaid people are going to make fun of you for having crappy weed or something? If your friends have a problem with your weed, then tell them not to smoke it.
No, I don't really care if they like it, if they want a hit, I'll give them a hit. I was just seeing if it'd be enough to impress them. Bud is love, bud is life.
Ahhhhh...trying to impress with your nugs huh, lol. I can understand that. Don't want to brag about it then pull it out and it be shit. Its hard to tell without being able to smell and taste it. Are there any trichromes ( crystals that shine in the light ) or red or orange hairs on it?
Yeah looks pretty bad. Maybe 3-4/10? However, how baked does it get you? That's all that really matters.
It gets me a decent high, taken into consideration, my tolerance is low. And there are small orange-ish hairs. Bud is love, bud is life.
it's not bad enough to laugh at you. But it doesn't look like you're gonna get any pussy for it either.