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Is this stuff even used for tobacco?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by CaptainCook, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. #1 CaptainCook, Jan 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2013
    I've certainly seen Hookahs used for tobacco, and a regular bong on rare occasion. However, I have NEVER seen something like a glass spoon or bubbler used for tobacco. I've sure as hell never seen a one hitter used for tobacco. Which raises a question, why are they allowed to be sold?
    Have any of you blades seen them being used for tobacco?
  2. Well I think it's a matter of it's assumed they are for weed... but you can sell and advertise the product for tobacco use and it's legal even though everyone knows what it's for. In Canada all weed paraphernalia is legal, it's just the plant it self that isn't. Funny how things work that way! Makes you realize that the government and law isn't the end all be all, they make a lot of mistakes and are only human. And they certainly don't always have your best interest at heart... Clearly if I can go buy alcohol and Salvia legally but I can't smoke a fucking plant that is as natural as you can get.
  3. My friends dad uses a bong to smoke tobacco and weed out of it.
  4. Yeah, I've seen bongs used for tobacco on several occasions; although it's not really a common thing.
  5. my bro used to smoke a bit out of his spoon hed take like 2 hits then load up the weed he said he liked the high it gave him but i dunno
  6. Just because most people don't use them for tobacco doesn't mean they can't be sold for tobacco use.

    Much like those fucking roses in those little glass stems at shady corner marts. You know no one (except the very naive) is buying that for their woman, they're using it to smoke [drugs]. And that's why it's still legal to sell them, because who are you to say why that person is buying it?

    Everyone knows I'm not buying this bong for tobacco use... but the law can't tell me I'm not. :p
  7. their allowed to be sold because since when is a piece of art made out of glass illegal? nothing about glass is illegal, just because it is shaped a certain way. but you have to be 18 to buy because they sell it with the INTENTION that you are going to be smoking tobacco out of it. ive used everything youve mention to smoke tobacco out of, except for a one hitter. my buddy doesnt even smoke weed but had a bong to take rolling tobacco snaps out of it. he has a different (legal) drug of choice and likes the fat head rush from smoking a fat snap of tobacco out of a bong, but also smokes cigs too. its funny cuz i got him into using a bong for tobacco. i rarely do it, but we were heading to the mountain and ripping a bong (back when he did smoke) and would make some dirty bowls with weed and tobacco and when we were low on weed we would take a snap of weed then a fat tobacco bowl to up the high a bit and save weed. then when he stopped smoking weed he kept his bong for tobacco

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