Hello all, I planted my seeds directly into 5 gallon pots filled with a blend of 55% Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, processed softwood bark, horticultural grade perlite, dolomite lime and (whoops....said not to but already done) a controlled release fertilizer and wetting agent. The total Nitrogen is 0.13% (0.07 Ammoniacal nitrogen and 0.06 Nitrate Nitrogen), Phosphate (P2O5) 0.05% and soluble Potash (K2O) 0.10%. The seeds have sprouted (5 days) and after about 4 days they have their second real leaves. They are a nice color and the stems look healthy (one plant has a purple stem...so not sure if this one will make it). My question is.....will the plants be okay in this mixture for the vegetative and flowering stage? I am anxious to know because I have other seeds and will use a different mixture with them but would like to get started asap. Thanks
It's a toss up. Controlled release just means water activated pretty much. So your plants are going to get fed everytime you water, rather they need it or not. If they get to the point of being over fed, they'll still be getting fed which could lead to issues. It can also depend on the strain, some handle more nutrients better then others. However in the end you'll pretty much have to wait and see if you're set on using it. There's a few success stories out there with slow release fertilizers, but there's a lot more failures...good luck. Check out the organic thread stickies for the easy organic mix for beginners. You won't regret it. Just about as easy as it gets.
Hi killset I checked locally and could not find high quality humus. I found this online....."Bu's Blend Biodynamic Compost 1 cu ft Bu's Blend™ Biodynamic® Compost is full of naturally occurring microbial diversity which nourishes soil-inhabiting organisms, saves water and serves as a source of support for planting and managing soil health. Made from a base of the best organic dairy cow manure"I read the thread on making easy organic soil...thank you for the advice. What do you think of this product?
Check out buildasoil.com. They have a good pinto bean compost. The shipping will probably be cheaper. I'm in California and the shipping for an 11lb bag comes out to $12 via FedEx ground.
That is awesome! I will check it out. I want to make the organic soil for my purple haze and OG Kush seeds. Got them in Amsterdam when I visited. I have commercial seeds which I have growing in the other soil but I need to take a better approach with theses. They are all females. The commercial seeds will probably be mostly males anyway.