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is this russia farce finally dead??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jman42028, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. CONFIRMED: Mueller Team Can Be Disbarred For Clinton Conflicts In Trump Case - Big League Politics

    I mean, if this isn't a witch hunt, I don't know what is. Just look at who this guy is lining up here...Also, I think its a pretty blatant conflict that he had interviewed for the vacant job of his best friend (fbi directer) the day before he was appointed as special prosecutor. Obviously he didn't get the FBI job.
    The more and more I read about this shit, the more I can really see how bad washington DC really is right now.
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  2. No, once Seth Rich is the confirmed leaker they will call him a Russian spy.
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  3. or whomever the swamp decides they want to attempt to bring down next.
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  4. A lawyer who knows another lawyer told my roommate that it's all fake news.

    You are right that Washington (politics) are completely out of whack.
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  5. I heard Trumps uncle shook a Russian guys hand once.
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  6. You are correct Sir. You do not know what a witch hunt is.
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  7. maybe you dont. here is the definition.

    ˈwiCH ˌhənt/
    1. a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.
      • informal
        a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.
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  8. #8 well highdrated, Aug 3, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
    you mean like what trump does on daily basis, against... well pretty much anyone except himself?
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  9. what exactly do you mean by this? I was referring to a few different things, including the obvious deep state unelected bureaucrats that are trying to hijack our democracy by leaking every single bowel movement our president has. Also, I was referring to the very obvious and complete complicity in the main stream media for pushing this completely, totally false russia narrative. So far as to get a special prosecutor, whom I linked about earlier, when there has been zero evidence of anything. Its a joke and complete waste of everyones time and the very literal definition of a witch hunt.
    You want to disagree with policy, thats fine. Thats great even. Not everyone should agree on POLICY. This russia farce has nothing to do with policy, other than the very obvious negative effects its already had on our relationship with russia. It was created to distract the masses, and at least for those who are tuned into the MSM it was working for a little bit.
    Its worked so well as to distract the msm viewers from some very positive things that have been happening. Including our stock market hitting ANOTHER RECORD HIGH! 22,000 points. It was at about 18,000 when trump was elected. Thats real, and thats real good for everyone, especially the middle class who has lots of money tied up in 401k and roth ira's.
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  10. We do not have an innocent here . We have a Devil Worshiping, Prince of Liars caught in the middle of sacrifice to the Dark Lord. Not a witch hunt.
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  11. #11 well highdrated, Aug 3, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    are you saying that the media invented the story and the FBI believed the media, and thus began the investigation?

    also how do you know there is no evidence, you don't have access to the details of the investigation... and considering trump keeps firing people involved with the investigation, no wonder it's dragging on and on.
    (actually who is to say how long such an investigation should take... an IRS audit may take more than two years in some cases... and that's just an analysis of financial transactions really, i'm sure this investigation is much more involved).

    are you upset because it's taking a while to get to the truth? and why do you even care?
    there are hundreds of investigations happening right now, except it's not being covered by the media, because of course this is a much juicer story, since it involves our clown-president.

    now, the way the media is covering certain events is very well biased depending on where you look. (i.e. cnn vs fox).
    but the investigation would be under way on its own, without any media involvement ... and actually i'd be happy if it did. because the situation is backwards from what you are proposing.

    p.s. when did you ever hear about stock market on the mainstream news? watch cnbc or bloomberg for financial news (not "good morning america"). and i'm not really sure why you attribute positive economic conditions to trump's 1/2 year of fuck ups and not to 8 years of obama's policies.
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  12. #12 MickFoster, Aug 3, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
    I agree - it's a Deep State conspiracy, fueled by the liberal media to sabotage and delegitimize Trump's presidency, which includes the Senate Intel Committee, the House Intel Committee, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and almost all the members of Congress. And everyone is in on it except Trump, and the 38%. To answer the question of your thread title - No the Russia farce is not over - you'll know when it's over.
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  13. um yes, thats the simple way of putting it. There is more than just the media, obviously they need people to help them, i.e. the deep state leaking every little thing possible. Just because you don't like our current president, doesn't mean you shouldn't be alarmed and very concerned about all this shit that is flying around. You should be. Just because it happens to a guy you don't like, doesn't mean it wont be someone you like next. Everyone really needs to take a step back here and realize the road that you are pushing us down. This entire collusion story was based essentially on two things: The fake "trump dossier" that was paid for by a PAC in part, and a 20 minute meeting between a supposed russian agent and trumps son. So, when you look at it on the face, what do you have. Nothing. Zero. Thats why there have been numerous vague leaks...but nothing that actually ties any of this to our actual president.
    Then, on the other hand, you have the absolutely proven fact, that the DNC conspired with MANY different governments, with HRC herself implicated in countless pay to play stories, not to mention uranium 1 deal, ect. Oh and the email server. Those things are all actually real, true things that have happened. There has been zero to tie the president to anything doing with collusion to russia. Based on all the leaks we have seen don't you think that would have been leaked already? Why the fuck would they keep the one thing they are looking for a secret and not leak it? Have you ever wondered that? Seriously, think about it.
    You need to also step off of MSM teats on the whole "firing everyone involved" bit. Comey was fired for a multitude of reasons. One of which being the FACT that he did tell trump personally 3 times that he wasn't under any investigation, but wouldn't tell anyone about it. But he can stand up and say hillary isn't guilty? This is all a big fucking joke dude, and hopefully more and more people will wake up to it.
    I'm not blindly supporting my president to do it. I haven't seen ANY evidence of ANYTHING he did that was illegal. Obviously i'm not an investigator, and neither are you or anyone else on here. But I'll be damned if you guys all pretend like you know the answers. And your answers are based on FALSE media reporting.
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  14. for real. The path we are going down now its essentially illegal to speak to anyone who is russian. And anyone who is from mother russia is obviously a KGB agent trying to bring down our government. This "red scare" should scare the shit out of every warm blooded american. Instead some just sit back and laugh because they don't like the guy. This is a direct attempt to subvert a freely elected president and you all are cheering it on because your person lost. Thats the real joke.
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  15. .... Uhhh nevermind. I thought we were having a somewhat realistic discussion.

    I've been content with the way media covered presidency of trump's predecessors.

    Not into these conspiracy theories about "deep state". Much more likely that trump inadvertently did something stupid to get himself implicated in this mess...

    Media will blow stuff out of proportion, sure, but trump is not some master mind... He's a self promoter, a somewhat successful real estate developer, but mostly a marketing guy who managed to fool about 35% of the population with his shenanigans.
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  16. so you never question why there have been so many leaks? and why they have all been targeted at the president? Do you not wonder why there were this many leaks during obamas reign of terror?
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  17. Did you question the leaks that were against Hilary and favored Trump?
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  18. yes in fact i did. turns out they were leaked by a staffer who was appalled at what the DNC was doing and what the clinton cartel was doing. See Seth Rich.
    and not by the russians, which is what the media would have you believe. I know that because I questioned it and researched it. Did you?
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  19. If you tell lies there is blowback. People wonder why you didn't tell truth. Almost all of the shit that sticks to Trump is from Trump. Infowars is not media. It is a way to sell products to fools.Lies repeated by other liars does not make it so. Self referential conspiracy theories are a circle jerk [Trump says. Fox reports, Trumps repeats "some people say!} Those are not facts.
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  20. You know what I think? Trump is a Manchurian candidate, an operative of the Russian deep state, aided and abetted by the alt media, to destroy your country. Why do you think Trump is so desperate to play nice with Putin? Why did it pain him so to sign the Russian sanction bill? Why did both Houses write in a such a way that it would be near impossible for him to run roughshod over it? Because they know of his secret allegiance to an enemy state and Seth Rich died because of it!

    And if Alex Jones doesn't jump all over this truth, it just proves he's in on it and probably also a foreign agent, an enemy within your gates!
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