Is this really our land

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by JohnnyEvergreen, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. #1 JohnnyEvergreen, Mar 4, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
    Alright so I am quite frankly pissed off and have been for a few months now...I've just been building up this wall of anger with no way to express it because I only have a few family members who care to touch on the subject. One friend who cares not, and the other attending Pharmacy programs at UGA so... that's off the table. What I'm getting to is if anyone wants to join in, please be my guest or else I'll just have a conversation with myself online. That'll be a new one for me lol.

    So how is it that as Americans we can rightfully claim this land? Sell it, and keep it from others? Yet we came here and massacred almost a whole race of people just to do it? We literally and I say we as a reference because obviously I or none of you hopefully did this(ancestors), killed thousands apon thousands of people for thier land. Agreed to a treaty and then did it again. Yet we just want about it and still do like it's not that big of a deal.

    I mean for gods sake we were taught in school that what we did was pretty much necessary and that these people were savages. Yet if you really look at history, deep into it, you will find that it's all just a Mirage. Something that just makes it seem like we were in the right because of manifest destiny...blah blah blah.

    So how is it possible for us to have to pay for it? How can someone truly sell it? Wasn't it intended by God for us all? Better yet, we have taken it from someone else who shared it? So where does that leave us and how do you guys stand on this?

    Oh and forgive me for the rambling and incoherent ideology. I am at work about to leave and I wanted to type it out before I had to drive home. I'll definitely be more in tune in say 30minutes. When I can actually sit down and think out what I have to say in a better manner.

    J Evergreen

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. This land actually belongs to the empire of morroco see treaty of Tripoli. Europeans have a majority control so they make the rules of what can and can’t be done but none of us are own anything ownership is construct of the mind. “If we owned it we would be able to take it into the next step of the journey but yet it all stays here for another to use, so we just use shit.” Says my good old grandpa.

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  3. #3 Elem3nt17, Mar 4, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
    It's an injustice that happened a long time ago that pretty much everyone recognizes. That being said I am confused as to where your anger comes from and what do you expect the people around you to do about it? Give the land back and move back to Europe? Colonization and subjugation of entire races is not an issue endemic to white Europeans...and North America was not a peaceful utopia prior to colonization, tribes were bashing each others heads in over land claims long before the first European ever set food on this land. In fact the bloodiest most violent periods have been shown through scientific analysis of the corpses examined to be prior to European colonization.

    I agree that being boisterous about how this is 'our' land is just in bad taste, but there's really nothing wrong with having pride in your nation despite it's sordid history. You can't examine the anals of history with moral stringency, human behavior and history are far to nuanced for that.
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  4. My anger comes from being lied to for so many years and just pushed to believe that what we did was okay. Simply because it was us(europeans). Now with that being said, I don't expect anything to be done about it. I just wanted to have a discussion about why it is that we can sell land, can claim things that isn't ours, but yet it's totally okay? We teach our children to just brush it off and act like it is lost to history.

    That truth is the land was never ours, it isn't anyone's. Instead it is everyone's. Yet we pride ourselves on all the land we buy and own but we choose to ignore how we got that land. Through murder. Sure maybe not all of the land but a good bit of it was taking like that. I am wondering again, as humans how we can just sit back and act like it's all alright. Until when? Until there is no more land?

    I don't want to go off topic but this relates as well, do we continue to let the owners of big industries and private sectors that own mass amounts of land pollute it for their corporation? It effects everything and look at what we are doing to the earth as humans. We are trashing it. Destroying life on land and in water. Some we have no idea about or have no say so because it's owned by these corporations on PRIVATE land. Oh but right, we should just do nothing because there isn't anything we can do...I call bull shit to that philosophy.

    J Evergreen
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  5. Gladly you are right about one thing, and sadly you are also right about the other...but I pose the question on how do we stop everyone from thinking "I, my, or mine" and bring it back to "We, and ours?"(hypothetically of course for now)

    I just wonder, will we continue letting a certain few run our world into the ground with greedy haste because they have the majority or money to make up for the majority? Or will we ever change it and see past the intangible? One day maybe soon and maybe not we will find out you can't eat money...that money can't quench your thirst when there is no clean water, and that money truly only equates to a made up system so someone somewhere could gain control.

    I know my ideas are disorganized but these things all bring speculation in my heart and mind.

    J Evergreen
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  6. You are right. Throughout history it has been a blood bath everywhere by just about everyone. I cant and won't argue with that. I guess I have just been upset lately to all of the things I am re-reading throughout history, to of course make my own judgement about, and was thrown off by how naive I was to believe a lot of what I was told in school without questioning the true intention behind some of these things. To be herded
    like a sheep to contaminated water without really bringing much attention to it. I have never been the one to go along with everyone else, I guess I just never had taken the time to truly see the real side of things.

    This doesn't just constitute for the slaughter of the Native American people, it goes hand and hand with a lot of things shown to us in our history books and taught to us in school. I mean after all, they want to only tell the side of the winner right? Welcome to America baby! I guess part of me just realizes that tons and tons of people are being shown a side of things that sometimes isn't probably the best, with nothing but my thumbs to twiddle about it.

    J Evergreen
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  7. Land belongs to nobody but itself. If you build a house on it the house is yours but the land is it's own.
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  8. Nobody really owns the land and the strong have always taken from the weak and still do even today (think big business and Wall Street).

    It sucks honestly, I kind of am embarrassed to be a human, gave up meat a decade ago and became an alcoholic and smoke daily so I don't have to think about reality lol because I'm faded most of the time.

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  9. It just depends what we consider law.

    I am not sure where I stand on property rights, it is a tough subject that I haven't looked into very seriously.

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  10. i live in the UK my lands mine lol if you step on my property without an invitation expect to be chased by me with a shillelagh :laughing::laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Lol well that's one way to go about it.:blink: I myself have thought about smoking into oblivion on numerous occasions haha but I try to abstain from that. Simply because reality is all that I have, right now. If that makes sense.

    I too have found myself embarrassed of being human from time to time but you know what, I am not embarrassed of who I am. Just more or less embarrassed about how some other humans choose to act. You shouldn't be embarrassed either. For it isn't you who act like that and nor would you hopefully.

    I gave up meat too. Why because I think about the animals I have and I think about how they are loving, caring, and knowledgeable and then I think about some asshole murdering them to eat. Then I stopped, I pictured this from a fly on the wall perspective and what did I see? That all life on this planet is sacred and divine. That we all are here to live as one, helping one another and collectively moving forward on the scale of evolution to surpass great strides. Who knows what can be attained here on Earth if we all worked together and treated everything with respect and dignity.

    See that's were I have an internal battle about this whole idea. I've got people telling me that well it happened but it's over now and there isn't much to do about it but yet you guys see it everyday as well as I. It goes on, and will go on. Until we as the people of this planet decided to stop it. To finally address the issue of right and wrong and instead of ducking down and hiding our feelings, to unleash these. Showing our true selves. What we stand for and why in hopes that the rest of the "good side" will join.

    To not revert by force but to convert by peace and to show everyone how important our Earth truly is. That it can't be sold, or used as a bargaining chip but that instead it is everyone and everything's. Where was it decieded that certain individuals owned the land? While others did not. Who gave us this false notion and why?

    If you examine the depths of truth here, you can clearly see that it is a lie. A lie that should be shattered. Then truly can we be free as occupants of this celestial object floating through space. me out, is there something we don't know? Is it all just a game? Some kind of optical illusion? Maybe and if so, is that why no one gets along? Is that way we deceive one another and try to make attempts to control what was given to us all naturally? You tell me.

    You tell me if you think that we should stand idle while others ruin our planet. You tell me if you don't mind. If your children don't mind, and if there's after them wouldn't care. You tell me what will be left in 1000years if we continue to stand still while others destroy what is not theirs specifically but ours unconditionally. I know this has turned into a rant about the palnet and environment but that needs to be spoken on as well.

    Does it matter that our oceans are being polluted by trash, chemicals, sewage,oil, etc? Is it okay that we are decimating its life forms? How about that fresh water we all need to survive. Not just as humans but as animals, plants, and microorganisms on a rock floating through space with its single biggest factor is water? God damnit. That is one thing that does embarrass me as being a human. Look at this technology we have. Look how far we have gotten? How much we know...but for what? It won't matter if we kill the one thing that matters most. Our land.

    j Evergreen
  12. Ah man, beat my ass with a stick then...:lmafoe:

    Understable if I was coming to do your property harm(house,car,etc), but what if I was merrily just walking through. On a quest to say adventure through many lands on foot. Would you still beat me with a shillelagh?

    J Evergreen
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. For sure. What if though it was just that simple? That as we are all created equally, the land of this beautiful earth is equal to us all?

    J Evergreen

  14. If it's like police or postmen ect i wouldn't do anything lol, I've had drunk dudes banging on my door before i rang the police then chased him off my property with a shillelagh lol, my house is on an estate you can't really accidentally go onto my property :laughing: also a shillelagh isn't a stick dude it's this..


    The one i have is like the one at the bottom :ey::laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I actually agree with that, though many people don't, especially those that own a lot of land.

    It gets more nuanced though, some land is more conducive to human survival than others. How much does any one person need? How can you own your house and not the land? If you leave your house can someone hijack it?

    All interesting but IDK if that is the direction you want to go with this thread.
  16. Haha I didn't mean to insult your weapon. I just meant at the heart of it, it is made of wood. So I called it a stick for shits and giggles. :laughing: No doubt that thing would hurt like hell. Also yeah I wouldn't be stumbling on your estate unless it was way out it the woods somewhere I don't guess.

    J Evergreen
    • Funny Funny x 1

  17. There's only 2 ways in & out of where i live dude no woods or anything like that :laughing: yeah it'd probably put someone in hospital they are lethal :roflmao:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. You are right there, but my direction isn't really aimed at necessarily one particular direction haha. Which I guess is my problem. I like to open many playing fields at once and that can get hectic. I get what you mean though. That's a good point. I guess my interpretation of that would be something like, well that's not your house so don't fuck with It, just keep moving maybe? But nevertheless if we really sit and deduce this, by 1000years from now there will more or less likely be more big city's so there won't be as much land(natural) to walk around on.

    Also yes they don't agree because they believe it is "their" land. Did that stop others from forcing it away from individuals in the past though? I guess it's kind of redundant but I wish we could all share everything. Since we all live here in unison but I know better than that. Others just aren't the same. Plus there has always been evil people here that will deiceve you so I understand you wouldn't want to be sharing your living space with someone who could easily murder you just for the fuck of It. You would think people wouldn't do things like that but damn it if it wasn't isn't the opposite.

    J Evergreen
  19. The universe is weird, we get pushed out of a whole or pulled out of a chest and then get told what to believe and think from infancy to death. Nobody really knows what the hell is going on, we just have theories that change all the time.

    Humanity is a real piece of work lol, whatever though. We are only here for a hundred years tops before our energy gets redistributed elsewhere and recycled.

    So strange man, I don't think I'll ever feel at home here lol!

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  20. It gets even more complex when we talk about people owning multiple houses or large plots of land for food or livestock.
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