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Is this real???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Royal Kush, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. My dealer says its weed....but idk, you can never be sure. It looks and smells like it but I dont wanna get ripped off.

    Attached Files:

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  2. Looks like weed, but then again, you can never be 100% sure.

    Send it to me and I'll do a lab analysis, you'll have the results in 3-4 business days.
  3. Yes. That's weed.
  4. Looks good. Smoke it
  5. thats a connect you'll want to keep around for a while...

    looks like pretty good shit..

    and dude, when you smoke more, you'll be sure.
  6. [quote name='"DriftingApart"']Looks like weed, but then again, you can never be 100% sure.

    Send it to me and I'll do a lab analysis, you'll have the results in 3-4 business days.[/quote]

    I hope your lungs are the lab, haha, its good stuff.

    I was told its strawberry kush but whatever ur is its some food ass weed. Definatly an indica dominant hybrid.
  7. If you can't tell that that's weed, you really shouldn't be smoking.
  8. How the hell can you look at that and think it's anything else besides weed?

  9. nope.

    he just needs to smoke moar!
  10. Chill out, it was a joke because people always make threads asking if their shit is real, I was just kidding its obviously weed
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  11. haha this thread made me laugh, i hope that he was being sarcastic to show off that dankk shit
  12. I imagined reading this as if your mouth was full of food.
  13. Seriously, when you got no dealers and you're dry, you'll look back on this post and realise how good your connection was.
  14. [quote name='"CKTony"']

    I imagined reading this as if your mouth was full of food.[/quote]

    It's that Damn auto correct on my phone,
    And this is my new hookup, my other one pissed me off, I tried to buy off him for three days but he kept saying later untill he was out,

  15. after you said that, i read his post like that, funny shit man
  16. Yes, wtf are you worried about
    I don't know why you're even asking. Looks like some good bud too
  17. thats like really fucking good weed
  18. uh ya. But send it my way if you want to know for sure.
  19. That's some buds of oregano
  20. uh yeah man thats weed...fucking duh

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