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Is This Normal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by havingfun, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. First off, let me start by saying that when I smoke I get
    very heavy "head-highs". Some people tell me they feel
    it in their bodies and what not, but i always feel it in my
    head. This also allows me to "function" when high as well
    while other people may just laze around.

    Anyway, I'm attempting to "cleanse" my system (stopped
    taking caffeine, dairy products, etc) because its summer
    and I have hyperhydrosis and I'm trying new things to
    minimize my sweating (Iontophoresis for hands, and sage
    tea and magnesium seem to be working wonders so far).

    Anyway, I started my THC break May 31, and will probably
    conclude June 30.

    With that being said, I still feel throughout random parts of
    the day like a very very very slight "high" in my head. Generally
    it's around the cheek bone and chin area, and it isn't a pain
    or anything of that sort but It's been almost a week since I
    stopped smoking so I just wanted to know if this was normal?

    Besides this feeling in the face, I don't get any other side affects
    of the high though.
  2. sometimes when i think of being high i feel very slightly high in an annoying way. i am pretty sure it is 100 percent in your head, i tried saying "i didn't smoke i shouldn't feel like this" to myself and it helped so go figure.
  3. Haha, although I do understand that as humans
    we do have the ability to create placebo affects this
    is definitely not one.

    The vein in the upper left corner of my head sometimes
    gets bigger during these sensations. When I get heavy head
    highs my face feels "puffy" almost as my brain is going in

    ATM, I feel like the reminisce of this. Isn't like an actual high
    but it is a buzzed feeling.

    I smoked for about 4 months straight, 2-4 times a day before
    this break, so I wouldn't be surprised if I do have a good THC
    buildup in my system... Recalculating my last post, it's actually
    been closer to 1/2 a week than a full week.
  4. My penis touched my vagina, is that normal?
  5. It depends, were you wearing some sort of contraceptive?
  6. ^

    Asshole above must be shmacked atm lol
  7. no, I woke up this morning and they were just sort of together
  8. Like touching or penetration?
  9. penetration
  10. Well of course it varies among everybody but I'd say with long experience that I'm able to familiarize that extended feeling in the head. I'd say it was near about the time I first began smoking but all according to your own head is how long the feeling'll last and how high of an extent it'll go to. There's no question around it if it is "normal" because depending on your own body, you can either get past it, occasionally feel that feeling or make it vanish sooner or later.
  11. You might want to go and get some Plan B if you suspect ejaculation
  12. ejaculation?

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