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Is this normal?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NY-Diesel, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. This is my very first grow I am going on 6 days in. I have 3 Autoflower seeds. 1 seems to be loving life. The second is there but just a little late to the party. But this third one has been like this for 2 going on 3 days. Is this seed just not going to grow? Or am I over reacting and it’s a normal thing that can happen and just needs time? [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. Hard to tell with purple lights but it looks like the shell from the seed us stuck on it
    I had one like that before
    I just misted it with water and took a needle and helped it off
    Very gently do it maybe just break it a little more

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  3. Its hard to see in that light...but like above member said....looks like the seed casing is still on it....not allowing the leaves to open up
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  4. I thought that too but when I looked closer I’m not sure what it is. Like I don’t see a spot too help the seed off at all.


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  5. Hopefully those pictures will help better.


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  6. Looks more like the inner membrane of the casings
    Still moisten and try using a needle gently to remove .
    All you need to do is help it you don't necessarily have to remove it

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  7. ^^^^Agreed....its right there see that "yellowish sac" on the top....thats it.....ya need to knock it off, and it needs to be done quickly!
  8. Will it eventually grow through it or am I screwed if I don’t try?

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  9. screwed if you dont try its SUPER easy!!! just get like a needle....somthing small and pointy.....spray it down with water....and just "flip it off"
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  10. Put your fingers at the base so it doesn't pull out of the soil and spray and use a needle to pry and crack it or slide it off
    Gently though its vulnerable
    But it will most likely willnot develop without help

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  11. Okay guys thanks for the help. I am going to try my best to get it off. [​IMG]

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  12. Anyone who grows has probably dealt with this more than once or twice .
    Good luck and
    Happy Growing.

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  13. Okay I got everything yellow out of the middle of it.


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  14. [​IMG]

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  15. The leaves are split .
    Off and running .
    Remember less is more when it comes to watering seedlings .

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  16. PERFECT!!!!!! YOU DID IT.....way to go! Now you don't have to do this.....i just would do it personally.....but take whatever you used to "pluck it off" and spread those leaves out with it......put it between the "mouth" of the two cotyledons and push up and to the open that top leaf up.....if you don' SHOULD do it by itself when the lights come on
  17. Virtual high five guys. Thanks a lot. I had no clue what was going on. And was most likely just going to let it try to figure itself out. But now I know.

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  18. I had this same issue with one of my seedlings, he popped it himself a day later than the others but lost 1 of his cotyledon, thankfully he was strong an is my 2nd current biggest plant out of 4.

    He should be fine now an catch up with the others wish you much luck bro!
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