Is this normal for first time getting high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Narkery1, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. So I smoked some weed 2 days ago and didn't get high. Today I tried it, and I'm pretty sure I got really high. But I thought it was suppose to be more enjoyable.

    First I took like 5 good hits and I didn't get high for 15 minutes after the last hit, but my friends were high too and I started laughing because they were acting funny, and that's what kicked it off. I started getting numb so my friend drove across the street to this guys house and once we got there, IDK if everyone we met was high too, but they were all acting funny. I've never seen the guys before but I started to get the high like what you see in the movies, but I barely said shit, because I'm really shy. So anyway, we went in and everyone was funny, but I started to go numb and it's like if you don't move your arm, I'll be like it's extremely still and almost nonexistent, and if I sat still it was like I was floating, but I didn't like it at all. I started to panic and then I was worried because we were driving in my car and how everyone was gonna get home, and we dropped one off and then we went to this other guys house and I started getting sober when I was around sober people. But for the most part, I didn't like it, but it was kind of neutral, I didn't get really panicked.

    So what is it normal for me to be like "eh, it wasn't amazing," I thought you were suppose to love it or hate it. I definitely don't like being numb like that. It felt like if I sat still when I moved I had to break out of the shell of my former pose, and only when I looked at things did they speed up, but if I wasn't looking at my hand, it was in slomo.

    So will I like it next time? or am I just one of those people that don't like weed? Or did I have to many things to worry about (car, getting my friend home and mostly being sober and acting normal for my parents)? Do different breeds of weed do different stuff? Because I want a little less numbing-ness and a little more funniness/mellowness?

    Thank you.
  2. nah thats normal, keep smoking you get greatly varying highs your first few times, its kinda interesting
  3. is it really so hard to post in the right section...?

    Just keep smoking.
  4. It sounds like to me you just got might have smoked to much for your first time and got pretty stoned. I think that you also did have to much to worry about; you need to have a relaxed environment. Next time make sure you don't have anything to worry about and listen to your favorite music, watch a favorite movie, and/or hang out with a best friend. This should make your experience with the herb a very good experience. Good Luck and Peace Out

  5. Okay, good advice man. So am I way off or if you get too high you get paranoid and don't like it and if you just do it lightly you're just happy? Because I'm really shy, I'm just looking to give a little less of a fuck so I can talk more without being self conscious, but while I didn't care much I was still shy and everything, is that a barrier that marijuana wont help with or what?
  6. hahahaha :D
  7. Well the higher you get the more relaxed you should become. You should go through three stages: BUZZ, HIGH, STONED; when you buzz you are just begining to feel the effects of the herb, when you get high you feel happy and and chilled out, when you get stoned you are constantly thinking about how things really are and you should be in a deep relaxation. I'm a little self conscious myself but when i get high I just dont care anymore, I'm completly ok with with my life/self.
  8. For me and even more for my step brother marijuana did help with that barrier ALOT
    :rolleyes::smoking::yay: o to be that young and living in Vegas again
  9. just keep blaaazin. it will change. I swear. It becomes a daily routine, habit, something to do to pass time. Medication. You will love it. I do anywaysss
  10. I will say that some people just don't enjoy the experience. It is not for everyone. Everyone is different and people react to psychoactive substances differently. Just like when one person gets drunk, they might become violent while another person is the complete opposite. I would try it a few more times and if it still isn't a pleasant experience then you know its not for you.
  11. #11 weedwhacky, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2011
    Why don't you start with just a hit or two, let it sink in until it seems to have gotten you as high as it's going to with that amount and see how you feel. You might be just right with one or two hits, loosen up around people and not need any more. So many variables (strength of the bud, how tired you are, what responsibilities you have), you may as well eliminate or have control of one of those variables... slowly ramp up amount you smoke, using the same bud each time (very important) until you feel just right.

    I know that all sounds obvious, but might not be if you're just starting out. Also, don't let anyone try to convince you to keep taking hits. You are in control of that, and gotta treat it as a controlled, fun experiment.

  12. My friends were doing that when i first started smoking (2 yrs ago)....dont take more hits just to be cool and smart do it on your own way

  13. Yeah I probably did take to many, but I was confused because they were already high and I started first, so I took a huge hit and held it in for a long time. We were smoking out of a socket wrench thing.
  14. #14 SuckMyDick, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Exactly man just sit around listen to some good music watch fight club and drink a little
  15. Haha yea dude your fine isn't is great?

    Keep lighting it up
  16. Of course you wont like it if you get TOO high..

    Take it easy, slowly, small hits and you'll be loving it for sure ;)
  17. Another thing to considder is what you actually smoked. You probably wouldn't believe the different effects different strains can give you, and even different methods of smoking. If you don't like the numb floating feeling then you can smoke less, or smoke something different, with a more "head high." Its not always easy to find if you aren't near dispensaries because you are usually just going to smoke whatever you can get, and sometimes that isn't a big variety. If it was something you found ok I would keep trying it, slowly, find out your tolerance, and if you can try a few different strains before you really make up your mind. I also highly recommend vaping if you can, it gets a much clearer high, and usually less numb feelings and more tingly feelings.
  18. Bro it's really fun when you learn how much you need and use in moderation. But my first time I was fourteen and with an older cousin at her house then she was saying that she was going inside in a little( btw I'm super high at this time) so I started freaking out and I absolutly hated the feeling of it and since then I've smoked a hell of alot more weed and love it now. Just try it a couple more times and just smoke alittle at a time and move on from there you'll Learn to love it bro,
    Happy toking , mike
  19. bro you prolly just gotta be around the right crowd, my first time i was with 1 other person, i love when its just a couple close friends/family it really brings you together
  20. marijuana is just like any other medication, you take to much of it and there will be downfalls. you have to find that perfect dose for each time of the day if your going to stay medicated. bong rips are good for me in the evening, joints are best in the morning. if i want to get hammerd i take a bong rip for the first smoke of the day. theres nothing like the first smoke of the day.

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