is this mold?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by hagevitter, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. i saw under my microscope that my nuggets have some white crystal kinda thingy hairs? around the trichomes i will take a picture in a bit. but if anyone knows what those crystal white hairs are please help me out. i
  2. mold is fuzzy and is white with grayish tint to it. mold will appear in small patches, and you can definitely smell it.
  3. [​IMG] it looks like the one pointed out by the red arrow. but they´re alot more and also more white
  4. No those are resin hairs. (there's an actual name for em)
    They are a line of defense for your plant.
    Essentially they are just like resin glands just without the heads.
    Carry on dude that girls almost ready.

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