Is this early Hermie stage?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Deleted member 1095610, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Hey everyone! Trying to figure out if I'm seeing normal growth or hermie? I have a plant that's been in flower for 1 week now. And I think I'm seeing a little hermie to it. I can see its popping white hairs but then I seen this morning what looks to be a ball cluster starting to form.(You can see in the photos, 1 has popped hairs but the one right next to it has not shown hairs and kinda looks like a cluster) Maybe I'm wrong though. Let me know what you're opinions are on this one? Much appreciated, Thank you for all the feedback!

  2. really difficult to tell from them pics buddy but the last one looks like pistils to me
  3. I tried getting decent pics but due to the lights it makes it difficult.. The one right in the middle that doesn't have hairs is what worries me a little
  4. you not got a jewlers loupe ??
  5. Yes I do, I'll try to get a better photo!
  6. Okay hopefully these photos help!

  7. wait a little longer but they are very suspect imo keep a close eye on them
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  8. Okay thanks man! I really appreciate the help!
  9. always happy to help buddy good luck :)
  10. Same here, it looks just female. That primordia growth is something to keep an eye on.
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  11. Looks a she alright, balls be all over it by now, it'll open up

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