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Is this bud, shake, trim or all 3?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by utbpaladin2013, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. I gave my dads mate a lift home the other night. As we were pulling into his driveway he asked “cash or weed”. So I instinctively answered “weed”. He grabs out a quart of what looked like half bud, half shake. He told me it’s halfway between bud and trim, but upon further investigation there are a lot of popcorn buds and some larger looking buds. He said it’s the outer part of the plant that has been manicured off the flower. But it looks more like bud. I’m so confused.

    So is this bud, shake or trim? Or all 3?

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  2. @utbpaladin2013 , I would say it's buds and trim. Since '68 I've called the bits of weed that break off your buds shake. I don't see as much of it since I store my bud in jars now and don't carry it around in a baggie. The most important thing is is it good, lol? Enjoy, mate!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Some strong readers will let you see the trichomes well enough to high grade and toss the real garbage like fans and the smaller water leaves with little to no trichomes. The rest is good looking bud and you can send it to me for proper flame disposal.

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  4. What was the cash offer? ;) Yes it's "bud" but it's immature. Any trichomes on it? green & uncured? I'd probly put it in a dark/dry place open to air like in a drawer & let it dry (if needed), then try it. I wouldn't be too optamistic. :confused_2:

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