Is this because of weed?

Discussion in 'General' started by spillee86, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. So I bunned pretty hard the last 3 or 4 days, just chilling out doing absolutely nothing and smoking pretty much all day every day.

    Then had work again this evening so didn't have a smoke, but I was getting reaaaaaally irritable and wound up at stuff that I don't usually get too stressed out about, and I'm not sure if it's just because I've been so chilled all week and then being bossed around and getting shit from customers has fucked me off more than usual, or whether I may just be having a standard shit day.

    Anyone else throw little hissy fits or feel a bit shitty after smoking a lot?

  2. Neevvvver. That's the great thing about weed... not addictive, no hangovers, no shitty symptoms. Just all around greatness :D
  3. You can definitely get irritable when you've blazed non stop for a few days and then you're sober and have to deal with bullshit.

    It could be a combination of everything,

  4. Yeah I think it's just a mixture tbh. I'm just usually so chill and I really was not at all today.

    I was thinking of T breaking for a bit to push forward on things I need to be doing (I'm a pretty good example of how weed makes you unproductive in terms of getting 'real life' shit together unfortunately), but the reason I smoke is coz I feel a bit down atm anyway and it (obviously) sorts you out in that aspect. But then I get fuck all done and feel even worse when I'm sober again haha.

    Vicious circle times.

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