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Is this a good first bong?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Fundraise, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Not to be a dick but who asks is this a good first bong? Idk all I see is a pic how can I tell how it smokes either buy it or go to a local store where u can feel it hands on
  2. Im not really sure, ive only smoked out of skins so i know nothing about bongs, im sorry if i have asked the incorrect question.

    Is that bong good for its money? Worth what you get?
  3. I got the exact same one (but the bottom was round).

    Its great, except for one minor issue: The hole in the bowl is abit too big, the weed may fall down it.
  4. Dont you use pipe screens so the weed doesnt fall down?
  5. yh, but i ran out of those.

  6. Ahhh i see, is it easy to hide from parents ect? is there anyway you'd be able to lock it up out of sight?
  7. I think anyone would be really happy with that as their first bong.
  8. looks like a deal my man :smoking:

  9. I mean unless they go in and search your room often, then you should be good. Just make sure to wash it out welll after each use if you still live with parents because if all you do is dump the water out when youre done and then put it up, they smell terrible and your parents might notice it :)

    So as long as they dont search your room and you keep it clean youre all good.

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