Is there more to our heart than we think?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Poisongage, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. #1 Poisongage, Dec 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2009
    Mindshock - Transplant Patients

    This is extremely interesting. Are these people feeling what they want to feel ? Perhaps they wanted to change when they got a new heart ? Or perhaps there is something more than what we think about our hearts.

    What do you think ? Do you think it's possible for human beings to actually "think" with their heart ? And if so, have we been thinking with the wrong part of our body for some time now ?

  2. its all metaphors or whatever man
    i personly dont believe it haha

    we are electronics
  3. I don't believe the heart thinks. I don't think a heart brings with it, the ideas of another person. The changes with a new heart could simply be from the trauma on the body from the surgery. The first lady they talk to is in her 40s? She likes different foods? That happens with time to everybody.
  4. our brains are the machines withall the wires hooked to it
    the heart is like the fuel pump
    thats it.
  5. Great question!

    Let's ask a heart transplant patient!


  6. baahahahahahaha
  7. Well perhaps they were based on fact and not fiction. Don't refute this if you can't prove that there isn't this connection that they say might exist in the video. This is the reason i made the thread, so that we could discuss it, not dismiss it :)

    Maybe you don't believe that because you have abandoned thinking with the heart ? I mean, i agree, i also only consciously use my brain to think. But maybe it's possible to think with the heart ? We know that water can store memory - so why shouldn't it be possible that the heart could store memory too ? After all, it's mostly made out of water.

    Did you watch the video ? That is the theme here - that it isn't merely a "fuel pump".
  8. Good one :)

    But ya' think any heart patients hang around here ?
  9. the human consciousness may not be limited to the brain, perhaps all biological components of any given person carry their consciousness and 'identity'

    or perhaps the transplant recipient unconsciously tapped into the collective conscience and accessed the memory of their donor...

  10. #10 Poisongage, Dec 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2009
    Maybe so.

    In the video they say that twice the amount of information going from the brain to the heart goes the other way (from the heart to the brain). It's makes you think that perhaps the heart plays a much more important role than we think.

    We already know that chakra's, aura's and spiritual energy exists and can be measured in the form of electromagnetic fields (and in other ways), and since the heart has by far the most powerful electromagnetic field in our body, it may well be that the heart plays a more important role in our understanding and dealing with the world.

    Of course there is the option to only look for the obvious: that the heart is simply a piece of highly advanced biological mechanics, or a fuel pump if you will. But that limits you to the small possibilities of our current understand of (all) things. Why not try to break free of those limitations and use your eyes and ears to intepret what they are telling you, instead of what you are being fed by schools, doctors and over-skeptical scientists. All these transplant patients have the same symptoms and it shouldn't suprise anyone if the whole "spirit of the heart" thing is real, since it has existed as fact/myth/fairytale/legend since the dawn of civilization.

    Like the skeptical scientist in the video says: any new advance is science that can be refuted must be refuted, but if it cannot, then there may be something to it.

  11. but our senses show us only a portion of what is out there... we are not meant to 'see' all that is, only what evolution has deemed as beneficial to the perpetuation of life

    the electromagnetic world out there is a lot richer than we can ever hope to comprehend... it would overwhelm our computational abilities
  12. thts understandable.
    i think the brain is like the main part of emotion
    and the heart is what makes you feel it
    or it
    gives you the 'true' feeling persay
    thats the wayt i saw it just then haha
  13. This is what i am talking about - how can you say that we are "limited" to anything ? Do you know for sure ? Could you ever ? And if you couldn't, wouldn't that leave all doors open ?

    Evolution is not some governating instance that lies down rules and regulations for how and why we should live our lives. It's progress. It's change. It's not merely "survival". Our soul gives us purpose. That purpose can be used for whatever we intend it to.

    If we decided to change our perception, not only do i think that we could, but i know that we could change it.

    The fact that they have found significant neuron activity in the heart, and that it is a part of bodily circle, a loop of sorts, tells you that our brain isn't computing our thoughts and creating our reality by itself.

    I don't know that this whole theory of the heart being as important as they make it in this video is real, but i know that it is very intersting and that they make some valid points for future research into this matter.
  14. we are limited, we are limited by our past, and our past has been governed by evolution,

    to say there is a soul is a jump that cannot be made.

    there is an ego, and there is a self identity tied to it. but that can be tricked,

    have you ever heard of the rubber hand illusion?

    we have no soul, only a body and mind that seeks to define itself in a world that it does not understand
  15. Sure, there must be some connection, it's all about figuring out how and why that connection works.

    Our brain would be useless without input. It would make it's own input up, if none was provided - creating a virtual reality. So already here we are faced with the dilemma that we might just be hooked into a computer that is stimulating our brain.

    But since we are not under that impression, the input must come from somewhere. Like a touch to the skin produces the feeling of such a gesture, or the photons passing through our eyes and transforming into signals in our brain creating an image, perhaps "touching" the heart of another human being produces the same effect, only in different terms.
  16. but whos to say nothing is impossible?

    this is geeting to deep for me

    im not even high

  17. The heart is a pump, the brain is a supercomputer.

    The brain determines what the heart does, imo.

    'Heart' is something entirely different. :bongin:
  18. #18 Poisongage, Dec 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2009
    You see - you are putting up limits for yourself that aren't really there. You say that these limits exist - but they are not physical, merely fictional, and therefore subject to change by our will.

    "The soul" is just a word; meaningless, without reason or sense - without power. But we give words power. And in this case, the soul is merely our consciousness or the electrical impulses that makes us get up in the morning, live our lives and repeat the process. The soul is not something magical and strange - it's your spirit, your person, your thoughts and your connection with everyone and everything around you. The soul is very real, just poorly defined because of our limiting way of expressing ourselves through language.

    The ego and self-identity are also fictional terms that do not exist in our physical realm, so they are also subject to change by our will.
  19. No-one.

    "Weather you believe that you can or can't do something; you're right"

    That's a good way of explaining my point. We can put up barriers for ourselves and call things impossible (while somethings may actually be impossible for us to handle or comprehend). But we can also tear down these barriers again, since we are the ones who built them.
  20. You didn't watch the documentary either ? Or you just don't believe what they are saying ?

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