Is there any proof that Jesus existed?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by StoneBuddha, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. This has nothing to do with him being the son of God, just wether or not he even existed on earth as someone who taught the word of God. I am not trying to start an argument, I am genuinly curious.
  2. Define proof.
  3. Well his name wasn't Jesus Christ if he did exist

    Christ comes from the Greek word for Messiah, Christos. So Christ is not Jesus' last name, it is a title given to him by Christians, expressing their belief that Jesus is the Messiah. So you can draw you conclusions from that...

    Personally I think the man may have existed but "Jesus Christ" is a fictional character
  4. Yes that would be my best guess. I was just baffled at the extreme lack of recognizion he recieved in any documents during the time period he alledgedly lived. But that would explain a lot if his name was different. Yet, you'd still expect to find a whole lot of people writing shit down if a dude is walking on water and turning water into wine.
  5. I dont think theres any video evidence bro
  6. Anything close to proof would be fine. I'm not going to be picky.
  7. :eek: NO FUCKING WAY:smoke:
  8. I suggest you read the "Jesus Mysteries". I do not believe Jesus is real or was ever a historical person. After reading the Jesus Mysteries and the Pagan Jesus, I have not bought any of the stories concerning Jesus or the claim that he was maybe just a historical person. In the books the author shows that Jesus was originally a Gnostic archetype of Dionysus, Osiris, Mithras, Bachus etc... but with a jewish version. The history that we have concerning Jesus are forged we have the works of Eusebius who is not at all trustworthy and the fact that he used forged material when addressing the "historical Jesus" cast a shadow of doubt. Not to mention the Roman Pilate never wrote anything about crucifying Jesus or any records of that. The romans kept records and his ass didnt write shit about it. There is no evidence is fair and simple as that. The books also suggest that Moses, Solomon, and David are myths that were never true historcal people.

    Knowledge is liberating :)
  9. Sure there is. its a big book, lotsa historical recordings in it (the most than any other book has, actually) talks alot about his existence, you may wanna look into it.

  10. Yes a book that has been proven to be forgeries. Every single one. Not to mention that there were hundreds of different gospels circulating... Not to mention the stories involved in that book come from other cultures pagan traditions.
  11. #12 mr puffer 420, Jun 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    now, i saw jesus workin down at subway with osama bin laden.
  12. great book!
  13. Jesus loves you!
  14. The fact that our entire calendar revolves around his life and death would be enough for me.

  15. Damn so that's why Christianity is still around

    If something is around long enough it becomes fact lol....fuck this country
  16. This doesnt necessary prove that he existed..... We might as well say Odin, Thor, and Freya exist because the days of the week are named after Norse Gods.

    Where is the proof Jesus existed? What historical evidence? What did the Romans who "killed Jesus" write about him? What are in the records of Pilate concerning his crucifixion of Jesus? Why haven't we seen these? Why do we trust Eusebius who was basically a big republican of that era? Why does he use forged works of Josephus? Still we have no proof and people want to claim that there is a piece of wood from the crucifiction or that Jesus burial shroud was found.
  17. this guy has his facts straight.
  18. There is no "proof" buddha existed either but anyone can agree that he did. You can tell simply by reading his teachings that he's authentic, not made up.

    Same with Jesus, just read some of the teachings and quotes. You can tell that its authentic. There are too many false ideas surrounding his name which makes people assume he's some fictional character.
  19. #20 Kush Lord, Jun 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2011

    Wow, you actually believe the whole thing about Jesus being a mixture of other myths. That has been proven to be completely bogus a long time ago, you already lose your credibility here to be honest.

    Dont expect the Romans to write about Jesus, they hated him and didnt even believe he was God in the first place. The sooner they forgot him the better it was for them. Why would they make a big deal out of it.

    By the way, do you have proof that the Buddha existed? You can tell the Buddha is authentic by researching his life story and teachings, you can do the same with Jesus.

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