Is there a reason why most people don't start their plants in their final pot?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MyDogSmokesWeed, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. Just a question. I see a lot of people that say they transplant a couple times for a normal plant. Is there a reason not to just start in your 5 gallon bucket? Wouldn't that be better for them? Is there a benefit to transplanting?
  2. Here's a tidbit that someone was gracious enough to post for me. Later she followed it up with Autos should infact go directly into their final resting place like you are talking about.

    As for why, i'm sure someone much more informed then I am will pop in and give specifics.
  3. The reason we start small is so that the new plant can fill up the pot quicker and feel happy.

    Then they grow UP at a good rate.

    IF you put them in a big pot, they will spend a lot of time building roots and not grow UP.
    There is also a space issue.
    I start with 20 babies in peat moss pots.
    I move 15 of those up to 1 gal pots until sex shows
    and then 5 girls into 5 gal to finish.
    I have a 9 sq ft area & a 400 MH
  4. It's easier to manage waterings in an appropriate sized container.

  5. Ok, that stuff makes sense. Thanks hemi and dalars. If I start in rockwool I can just move to a 1 gallon once it's established and then wait a couple weeks then move again? How do you know the roots are "full" and "happy" to replant and let it grow UP? Thanks.
  6. time to transplant when the roots are coming out the bottom of the small pot.

    My move to 5 gal is dictated by them showing me their sex.

    I grow coco so the roots don't come out the bottom of the 1 gal container.
    I feed 3 -4 times a day so root balls stay small and tight and rarely fill the 1 gal pots.

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