Hey fellow friends, so a friend is growing two northern lights from seed (victory seeds, feminised northern lights seeds). They are about 2 weeks old. Both have been kept in same conditions and get swapped from left to right each day just to mix up which is closest to the humidifier etc. One is much perkier and often reaching upwards towards the light ALTHOUGH the leaves are slightly folding upwards like a taco! The second is droopy just looks a little sad in my opinion! ANY IDEAS ON WHATS CAUSING THIS DIFFERENCE / CHARACTERISTICS? And are they bad characteristics or nothing too worry about too greatly!? They’re using a cfl set up, using five 225w output bulbs, 6500k etc. Bulbs are around 4-5inches away, temps around the tops of plants are averaging 26-27 degrees C. Two light fans gently aimed at lights and creating very small movement. Humidifier being used and humidity ranging from 68 highest too 48 lowest throughout the day etc. Any ideas? Both 1 (left) and 2 (right) by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 2 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 2 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 1 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 1 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Both 1 (left) and 2 (right) by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Set up by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Set up by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM
Maybe not enough time between waterings. Do you give the soil a chance to dry out at all. I use a soil moisture meter.
They’re in relatively small pots and were watered 3-4 days ago, the soil is usually pretty dry throughout and light weight pot before watering.... here’s a pic with a 30cm ruler in shot to show size of pots.
Hmmm he checked the roots (I know it’s not great to take them out their pot, roots look good and have formed around the edge and bottom of the soil but they’re not rootballed. Also was told they were only transplanted from cups 3-4 days ago
Looks like classic heat stress to me. My very first grow I too used CFL's and had the saaaame problem. I got the temps under control and they "returned to normal" I see you said the canopy is running about 80 degress F. Im not saying I don't believe you....but I KNOW CFL's run pretty hot...esp when they are that close to the plant. Make sure your gauges are working correctly
unless you want short squat plants add some warm red cfl's 50/50 is good cool white light stims low horizontal growth as red/ warm white 2700K stims vertical growth thru the hormones keep lights 1 inch of leaf tips for best lighting good luck