Is the USA famous in other countries?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SHeekle, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. Like in the US the news talks about the US about 90% of the time. I was on that website where you talk to strangers or whatever and almost everyone that I talked to from other country's knows that Obama is our president. I can't name a single leader from any other country at all. Is the US really that talked about in other countries. Is it considered a strong country or is it looked down upon. This prolly sounds stupid im rather :smoking: at the moment.
  2. Don't you think you'd know who Diocletian was if you were alive during the decline of the Roman Empire?
  3. It's a love/hate relationship for the most part. At least here in europe. On the one hand, we observe all the faults with the US, and on the other we admire the "Can do!" attitude of the US.

    The US is so full of contrasts that it is hard to peg down for us mostly homogenous europeans. On the one hand you got awfullness such as Britney Spears, and on the other genius such as Tool and System of a Down. You got inanities such as Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?, and fantastic ones such as Arrested Development and Weeds.

    You got the most fervent religious in the entire western world, and the best scientists and research facilities found anywhere, with the exception of the European CERN ofcourse. *cough*

    We're fascinated, revolted, in love with, curious and skeptical about the US. All at once... Well, at least I am :)
  4. Thanks for the answers guys, so I guess the US is pretty popular. haha
  5. I give all of SOD's credit to Armenia lol
  6. Come on over, Zylark, we'll take ya. ;)
  7. The USA is the Elvis of countries.

    By which I mean, it's legendary for its lifestyle excesses, it's willingness and ability to take credit for the work of underpaid unknowns, make stupid movies, practice martial arts, while simultaneously deciding to shun any form of diet or healthcare plan, and die young, in the bathroom, while eating a deep fried Ding-Dong...high on prescription meds.

    Or was that the Micheal Jackson of countries?

    Oh, well, when your rich enough, it doesn't matter if your black or white...or blue suede shoes...
  8. Ya thats about all the US has wonder nobody wants to get in the US. There was a time when yhe US was known for freedom...thats diminishing quickly.
  9. There was a time when America was filled with hardwood forests (gone), domestic oil (gone), and precious metals (gone).

    Gosh, I wonder why it's getting so hard to make a buck?

    Oh, yeah, I forgot!

    America taught Hitler everything he knew about conducting genocide campaigns!:wave:

    Oh, yeah, and we invented Jazz music, and then used it as an excuse to outlaw 'marihuana'...

    America is famous for it's ability to sell weapons to both sides of any conflict!
  10. They love the Democrat part of the states, and hate the republican part. ;)
  11. I'm not too sure about that. Europe is heading right, the US is heading left.

    And Obama's bombs hurt just as much as Bush's.
  12. [quote name='SHeekle'] I can't name a single leader from any other country at all.
  13. Erm, I guess I meant the life style?
  14. Don't blame me because your president it boring.

    I'd know the names of more foreign leaders if it was relevant to me at all in any way. Or at least interesting. From some of these posts, you'd think these guys didn't like not just America, but Americans as well. Hrm. I still wish i was British. Or Canadian.. Or Atlantean,

    because being a mermaid would rule.
  15. Used to love it when american chicks came to Ireland on their hols backpackin etc...
    Most of them dumb as fuck but easy.....

    its the redneck trailer trash the give ye guys a bad name..
    Oh and the addiction to guns..
  16. The redneck trailer trash are the ones who own guns mostly. And thats a very small precent of Americas population. Unfortunately most of them are stuck in the state i'm stuck so i'm fucked.

  17. I honestly dont know which post displays more ignorance......the one stating American Women who travel abroad are stupid and easy and that we are addicted to guns, or the one from the American implying that all gun owners are all redneck trailer trash.:confused:

    25% of the U.S. population owns firearms, over half of all adult households contain at least one gun. Not a small percentage you dolt. Do some research about your own country before you spout off stupid shit.
  18. Compared to the irish women they are very easy.. Catholic guilt and all that i guess..
    And they are stupid if you try and talk to them bout anything not related to the US but that a problem a lot of americans have.. Only interested in the ol US of A..
  19. Hey man, i know you know everything and all, and that's fine, and it's super cool that you can call me stupid too, because i've been kidding this entire thread,

    but c'mon. American women on vacay are easy as hell. Whos displaying ignorance now? Ever hooked up with a girl you'll never ever have any chance of thinking about ever again? Them bitches crazy.. Hehe.

    But seriously, dont be a dick just because you think your right man. No excuse. And all that rep is no excuse either.

    *From now on i'm going to be the friendliest user on GC, just so no one can say, "but hey, you were being a dick that one time, remember the _________________."*

    But hey, Mccain rules and all that;]
  20. #20 iliketosmokepot, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2009

    I think thats because we're so important, we have enough trouble worrying ourselves. We don't worry about bumfuck IRELAND. LOL! Leprauchauns and shit? Who cares.

    edit#2 I doubt romanians know jack shit about Ireland any more than we do... we're just fuckin' cool like that, people can't fail to notice us when we do anything.

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