Is the government giving in on MJ to promote docility?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by eldude-arino, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. I'm watching "Dirty Wars" and an interview with an operative stated that under Obama, JSOC has been allowed to hit, "harder, faster, quicker, with the full support of the White House." That got me thinking, maybe the government is hoping that we'll toke up and not pay attention? Or they'll start tampering with crops?

    Totally stoned, paranoid, rambling, but entertaining, no?
  2. It is a reasonable speculation. I have thought about this, but you have to consider the fact that some Cannabis users are extremely active, not at all lacking attention span, memory and or mental stability. The smartest man I know smokes a decent amount of MJ, nothing else. He would bring any "sober" "straight edge" person to their knees in an argument of any topic. Don't forget about Billionaire Ted Turner, who is a known Cannabis user and certainly not docile or strung out. Interesting thread man this will make for some good discussion on here.
  3. I think that more and more people are beginning to pick up on the governments lies and propaganda about weed. Science and reason are finally beginning to beat the lies and propaganda.

    And whether legal or illegal, there will still be a similar number of people smoking weed anyway.
  4. For sure, I would have to agree. I've always been in the Bob Marley/Rasta camp, believing that “The herb is the healing of the nations” (Revelation 22:2); that cannabis can be used as a means for enlightenment. My theory does imply that users tend to be passive, uneducated, and uninterested... which is the very image I've argued against as long as I can remember. Thanks for the reply and kind words... this really was a half-baked rambling :)

    True, this is less about the legality and more about the cause behind the gov't finally dropping their domestic war- the war on drugs (cannabis, in particular).
  5. My perspective as far as the US and legalization is that they don't have any choice. Not to 'promote docility' in my opinion, but because the tax revenue is desperately needed. Aside from finances I think it's useless to fight the legalization of cannabis in this era where such a large portion of our population is now educated on the topic of cannabis and the potential it offers the nation.

    Will they use legalization for manipulation? Good question.

    This is just how I've come to see it, and I'm interested to hear other opinions too..
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  6. Well, since the government hasn't given in on marijuana and it remains illegal federally, I'd have to say no. No, they aren't 'giving in' on marijuana to promote docility, mainly because they are not 'giving in' on marijuana.
  7. I'm with talks!

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