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is the cough back?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nastynas11, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. i've been smoking about two times a day for about 6 months now and haven't coughed in forever, but just a second ago after taking a couple big bong hits i had a small cough on the last one. i mean i realize that i haven't been smoking for all that long, but its still weird.
    this ever happen to you?
    am i going to start coughing more and more?
  2. You are going to develop a smokers cough. :)
    Heh. It could be just because you are sick, or you took a larger hit than normal.
    Coughing isn't bad, is it?
  3. Sometimes when I use to hit a bong a lot in one day I would get a slight cough for a day or two.

    Now the only time I get it is when I get sick. It will pass man, you'll be good no worries!
  4. so your saying you took a huge bong rip and coughed? jeez that's weird.
  5. it wasnt much bigger than the ones i normally take.
  6. you're probably just getting a little sick or something.
    maybe got a cold.
    you don't stop coughing once you start smoking a lot, or at least i dont think?
    i mean, i cough less, but i still cough... thats for sure. :)
  7. it happens, don't worry about it. I've been smoking for 6 years & still cough my ass off sometimes. I smoke cigarettes too, so that doesn't help lol.

    coughing doesn't make you a "bitch" or someone that can't smoke weed, just means your lungs couldn't handle that particular hit. Happens to us all. If someone decides to say "fuck that if you cough you're a bitch" don't listen to them
  8. #8 GorillaFarmer, Feb 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2009
    About 2 years ago I realized the impact of MJ on my lungs. I am not a cig smoker and never have been. And Ive been smoking herb since I was 13 (23 now) For the first 8 years I never had a 'smokers cough'. But when I started smoking religiously it got bad. Now it gets so bad my lung sometimes feel like scabs that are constantly being picked every time I cough. It all started winter of 2 years ago. Went on a blunt frenzy and started buying a buy one get one of dutchmaster cigars. 8 cigars total. Every Day. For months.... I layed off for awhile. Researched some herbal remedies and now im back to normal. Just got to keep in in check or smoke less. simple. Even as of right now I smoke maybe 6-8 times a day but mostly through water filtration and it helps a lot.
  9. Coughing happens...

    That should be a shirt like "shit happens"

    but yeah, its all cool...everyone takes a bad hit once in a while...or like what other people said, you may be coming down with a cold

    Smokers cough is when you are coughing when you arent smoking anything. I had a smokers cough from the weed and cigs, I just cut back on both and it went away in two or so weeks, so it was no biggie.

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