Is tap water okay?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Zerotheory, May 31, 2010.

  1. I've been buying the cheap 99 cent/gallon of spring water for the ladies. However I think I may need to flush the girls soon and one of the stickies I read here said to use 3x the water that the container would hold to flush them. That's a lot of gallons of spring water :) I'd feel silly coming out of the grocery store with 20 of them in my cart.

    Is tap water okay for this? I used to have a fish aquarium and those drops to add to remove the chlorine are a must. Is something similar helpful just to add to tap water to use on plants?
  2. You can use tap water if u let it sit around in an open container for a day or so. That way chlorine evaporates and makes it safer for watering. No need for drops. Just make sure the ph is neutral or slightly acidic before flushing. There is although a chance that your tap water contains chloramine instead of chlorine, which is chlorine and ammonia. That will not evaporate. Only way to do it is with a reverse osmosis system. Personally I use distilled.
  3. :wave: Tap water is ok as long as the pH is groovy in most cases :smoking:.

    Good luck
  4. test the ph of the water, also let it sit for like 1-3 days - it gets rid of chemicals that you don't want to be watering your plants with

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