Is someone asleep at the wheel, or does nobody care?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by jackal, Aug 6, 2007.

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  1. Hey, going to the spare the introductions, and get straight to the point. I joined this site originally because overgrow is gone, and this site has such an active community...

    But I\'d like to know who decided to let all the 16 year old kids, high school drop-outs and wanna-be thugs onto this site without check? I can\'t visit a single sub-forum on this site without coming across at least a half dozen threads that are partially, or completely fucking illegible. Every page is full of questions and comments that have been posted a million times before, are swimming with immaturity, and laden with cliche catch-phrases and slang that I used in 10th grade.

    But to be fair, my concerns are totally worthless without examples. Here\'s a few that I\'ve come across. If you want more, just browse the site. I haven\'t even browsed past the first few pages.

    Here\'s some great, really descriptive, well worded thread titles from the growing sections:

    \"Germination Qeastion\" This guy can\'t even spell the word question right.
    Help under my bed???????\" What? This doesn\'t even make sense. It\'s not even a question.
    \"Problem\" - What the fuck kind of title is this?
    \"Experts answer please\" Experts on what? What is your question?
    \"help me plzzzzzzzz\" Adding extra letters to the end of words makes me want to help you. Especially when the word please is spelled incorrectly to begin with. What do you need help with?

    Titles are supposed to be a summary of the contents of the post or the question being asked. It should avoid confusion, it should be simple, yet not so simple as to be really vague, the title should be spelled correctly, and it should give the person browsing the forum an idea of what the thread is about without making their brain explode. Now I understand occasional quirks are to be expected, people posting in the wrong sub-forums, bad spelling, incorrect grammar, re-hashed questions, bad titles. I myself am guilty of this, but this stuff is popping up in every other thread, and nothing is being done about it.

    I have to give credit to a lot of the experienced, well spoken growers and activists here. You making it a joy to post, and I can\'t even begin to understand where you get your patience from. Simply amazing. :hello:

    If we can\'t even keep this place clean of vagrants and low-lifes looking to turn a buck, or grow pot in grandmas attic, how can we expect to be taken seriously by anyone? You are what you eat. You reap what you sew, and this site looks like a private 5-star suburban housing development inside the middle of the city dump on the bad end of town. I read an a thread yesterday about male-female cannabis pollination. This person didn\'t understand what pollination was, nor did he understand how plants reproduced. The only analogy he was able to draw as a comparison was jacking off into the face of a woman, bukkake style. Who the hell doesn\'t understand the concept of pollination? Every child in the public system in the united states, mexico, canada, and every major european country is taught how plants reproduce, as early as elementary school.

    These people should be seeking remedial education, or reading a book, but instead, they are growing pot in their attics. Do I need to continue to paint this picture?

    So what is the plan to curb the rampant spread of ignorance on this site? Is there a plan? If you choose to respond, remember, excuses are like assholes, everyone has one, and nobody wants to hear it. This site has the ability to be an absolutely fantastic resource. We\'ve got the people to do it, but it looks to me like someones asleep at the wheel.
  2. Harsh word can drive away those who would someday grow this wonderful herb and spread joy on this earth. A gentel nudge in the right direction and a stern recommendation to read the stickies/search usually keeps them from reposting questions too often. All we can do for the degraded English is not let ourselves fall into the habit and hope to lead by example.
  3. Well put hashaman, leading by example is certainly the way to do things. I think leading by example includes not perpetuating the stupid person stereotype, of course. If you want the honey, don\'t throw out the nest.

    I feel that the situation is somewhat out of control. You can\'t lead sheep with a sheepdog that doesn\'t work the crowd.

    Despite my harsh tone, I\'m certainly not advocating banning users, or setting them them on fire for public display, quite the opposite. I know there are dozens of people here leading by example. Simply put, we need more people like yourself. We can\'t attract more intellect if there are no checks and balances that are followed.

    I would like to see passive moderation become active moderation.:)
  4. You can always report offensive/immature posts, if you wish...

    other ppl complain of too much moderation...

  5. I\'ve reported a post already, and nothing has been done about it. I also don\'t want to play the strip mall police officer of these forums. It\'s the moderators job to moderate. It\'s not being done. Period.

    I was under the impression this place was designed to be an international resource and discussion forum, not a kiddie corral for societal rejects.

    Moderation doesn\'t have to be a dictatorship. The best site moderation is probably the site that moderates itself, but in this case, nobody is stepping up to the plate.

    Is there nobody who agrees with me? Am I wasting breath?

  6. 2LONG2READ i say f u sir! live and let live, complainer
  7. Moderation is being done here, even if you can\'t see it. You reported a post on Saturday, which was my son\'s birthday. I\'ve only just gotten back today. Please be patient. And we can\'t ban people just for being bad spellers. That isn\'t what the City is about.

    I\'m not going to leave this open just so this can turn into a moderator bashing fest.
  8. We moderate the forums and we ban people who indicate or admit that they are underage. However, you\'re a bit too critical with only 4 months and 16 posts under your belt.

    Unfortunately, there are people who can\'t spell. It\'s not your job to judge them. If you can\'t get past some spelling and grammatical errors then that\'s on you, not us.
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