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Is pre-grinding your 1 oz stashes bad if stored properly?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by surfajl77, Feb 14, 2023.

  1. I’ve recently converted to only buying weed by the ounce, which I’ve quickly learned is way, way cheaper than buying 1/8 of this or an 1/8 of that as I go. As long as I have a couple of strains on hand, I’m good for the next couple of months - if not longer.

    What I’ve currently been doing is grinding all of my weed at once and then storing it in airtight glass containers with 62% humidity packs, which I keep in one of my garage cabinets. I’ll then pack up 3-4 cones to have on hand, which I store in separate tubes.

    Someone told me this is bad and that I should only grind what I intend on smoking within the next few days, claiming that my weed is losing significant potency and flavor by letting the “grounds” just sit unused.

    Many write-ups online verify this, but some have also noted that if the weed is stored properly (such as what I’m doing), then it shouldn’t be an issue at all if you grind all your weed at once or do it in portions. If stored properly, it won’t make a difference.

    I’d be interested in hearing some thoughts on this.
  2. i think it does lose potency and flavor that way just keep a few jars and grind up a few grams at a time i know i have about a quarter i ground up sunday and even being in a jar the smell is not there
  3. Do you grind all your coffee beans at once? for good coffee, no! grind as you go imo.:apache:
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. You are giving terpenes 1000x more surface area to evaporate but yeah that is about it
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. The question I have is...what's the advantage to grinding it all at once? Grinding what I'm about to smoke is part of the ceremony.
  6. Convenience.
  7. Yeah, don't do that. It literally takes 10 seconds to grind up bud for a sesh.
  8. I'm still learning - I can admit that :)

    I already have two 1oz jars that are filled with ground flower that I've been smoking for the last two weeks. But moving forward, I will only grind a nug at a time and keep whatever is leftover in my grinder to make sure I'm achieving maximum potency of my supply.
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  9. if you know you are right why ask...?

    little consideration to oxidization in your method implies you are new to this

    you may well learn something here, welcome
  10. Well, if you are buying in bulk and it's cheap and it's shit, does it matter? Lots of dispensaries sell "preground" oz. It's not top shelf weed for a reason. A lot of the time its actually shake and trim. I mean, people smoke some shit tobacco too, and coffee comes pre ground, but there's a reason people who really care don't do it that way.
  11. I do exactly what your talking about. I pre grind quite a bit and also store with 62% humidity packs. Doesnt lose any potency. After more than a few months or if you open the container its in a lot, it will lose some smell/taste. I usually grind quite a few strains so i only open the little jar each strain is in a hundfull of times before its empty. I also pack a bunch of cones. They dont seem to lose flavor so much i would assume because your repackaging it. its not like taking a pinch from a jar of grounds. Also, im pulling flower from some jars that are over 3 years old. Yall are really overthinking it.
  12. Very good point. Although I've actually had some success with shake in the past. However, I recently bought a couple ounces of pre-ground weed with 19% THC for dirt cheap. I packed one and I could hardly get the thing lit, let alone burn evenly. I thought maybe I just packed it poorly, but I tried again and had the same result. It's the consistency of dirt, basically. I'm now stuck with two ounces and debating whether to toss it or sprinkle it on a future acquisition. I'm not sure it's even worth it.

    What do you guys usually do when that happens?
  13. I ground a small amount and used it about twice a week. I kept it in a glass jar with a lid. It lasted about two weeks and I didn't notice any drop in potency. Now the last time I did this I placed the glass jar in the refrigerator because I thought it might help preserve it. I want to try some of my different strains so I will likely grind several different ones for my trials and I am guessing I will store some for a month or two.
  14. If you roll a joint, stick it in a tube, store it for a rainy day and take it out a month later and smoke it...would the dip in quality (and potency) be noticeable in comparison to a freshly ground nug that has been properly stored and was just packed into a cone five minutes ago?
  15. Grinding increases the surface area greatly. That means more opportunity for oxidation. If you do pre grind, make sure to store it air tight.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Wouldnt be able to tell the difference. If anything the smell of freshly ground weed overloads your senses and makes the smoke have less flavor.
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  17. Never happens. Decarb it and make edibles.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. As the other guy said, make edibles.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. A buddy I give free bud to grinds it ALL in an electric coffee grinder. I feel like he is putting ketchup on a 5 star meal. Am I wrong?
  20. i only use the coffee grinder for my shake to make edibles otherwise it is too fine for toking and wastes a lot of trichomes
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