it seems like i eat way too much, and then i just find excuses to sit around and not be useful to anything. is it possible that there's a such thing as eating too much and being completely bad for you? as in how you act toward others and even yourself? discuss!
Yup. God's gonna send you to an eternal pit of fire and misery and torture and sadism because you eat too much - but remember, he loves you.
It isn't a sin because if god was real there would be proof. However it is a bitch. I know from experience and have been unable to break the pattern for years and years. As I type I feel like vomiting because I just ate 5 pieces of pizza, 3 cookies, and drank two four lokos after work.
I think sitting around at home pleasuring yourself is more useful than sitting in church pleasuring someone that you've never seen and probably doesn't even exist.....
Surely you already know that sitting on your hole smashing food into your face for the sake of it is a bad thing, no?Sent from my GT-S5360 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Take god out of this issue and just eat a bit healthier/less for the sake of your health. It's okay to treat yourself everyone so often though Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
'The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison.'
Sin doesn't exist, but do you really need to ask yourself whether eating excessively can have a negative effect on your body?